released this
20 Mar 15:14
34 commits
to release-1.11
since this release
1.11.0-rc1 (2020-03-20)
Application Connector
- #7435 Api packages in Compass Runtime Agent (@akgalwas)
- #7560 Document gatewayOncePerNamespace Application Operator work mode (@majakurcius)
- #7572 Add id field to Service Entry in Application CR (@Szymongib)
- #7504 Add Director proxy in Runtime Agent (@mszostok)
- #7423 Remove nginx-controller (@majakurcius)
- #7395 Application Operator tests (@Maladie)
- #7439 Feature toggle for Application Operator (@Maladie)
- #7462 Improve retries in Application Connector Tests (@Szymongib)
- #7403 Refactor Runtime Agent metrics schema (@franpog859)
- #7389 Docu - changed name of ca secret to kyma-gateway-certs-cacert (@strekm)
- #7238 Fix gardener tls rotation (@piotrmsc)
- #7224 Application Operator deploys Gateway once per namespace (@Maladie)
- #7246 Extend Gateway to work in namespace only mode (@Szymongib)
- #7197 Log cluster metrics in Runtime Agent (@franpog859)
- #7149 Add Application Mapping Controller for single Gateway per namespace (@Maladie)
- #7159 Add timeout when waiting for access label (@Szymongib)
- #7701 Upgraded dependencies for knative serving tests (@sayanh)
- #7558 Enable Function controller in all namespaces (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7581 Test function-controller in custom namespace (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7404 Enable Function Controller in all namespaces - controllers (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7451 Enable docker registry on clusters with self signed certs (@aerfio)
- #7599 Fix vulnerable images for MinIO, MinIO Client, and update Docker Registry image (@aerfio)
- #7539 Update docker registry image to be secure (@aerfio)
- #7461 Restrict access to Rafter, Tekton and Knative Serving resources (@michal-hudy)
- #7219 Add UsageKind for Knative Service (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7331 Add new deleteMany mutation for SBUsages in CBS and field in Function query with related SBUsages (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7302 Prepare tutorial about binding Service Instances to lambda (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7438 Bump function-controller version (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7390 Generate password for docker registry (@aerfio)
- #7436 Fix applying labels on KService template in function-controller (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7409 Update deps of function-controller (@aerfio)
- #7136 GolangCI-Lint script for function-controller (@aerfio)
- #7233 Make integration-tests/pipelines for function controller (@pPrecel)
- #7244 Docker registry for function-controller (@aerfio)
- #7345 Update image of function-controller: Apply cluster local label on KService, not on Function CR (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7314 Update Serverless v2 docs with information about default labels (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7312 Apply default serving.knative.dev/visibility label on Knative Service, not on Function CR (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7164 Add Function Controller to installation process (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7226 Add documents on exposing lambda functions with API Rules (@kazydek)
- #7227 Document the Function CR (@kazydek)
- #7128 Create entry docs for Serverless v2 (@kazydek)
- #7209 Remove knative-build Helm Chart and acceptance-tests (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7208 Update system namespaces (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7207 Expose Lambdas using API Rules: bump images (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7070 Make function as internal cluster scoped by default (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7175 Add docker-registry subchart for function-controller (@aerfio)
- #7190 Add codeowners for tekton-pipelines Helm Chart (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7080 Add the Tekton Pipelines Helm chart (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7143 Update fn-controller docs (@aerfio)
- #7131 Remove .Release.IsInstall from knative-serving chart (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7115 fix for missing lambda logs in the lambda UI (@hisarbalik)
Service Catalog
- #7561 Add API Package credential support in Application Broker (@mszostok)
- #7557 Add a note about roles limitations in HB (@klaudiagrz)
- #7219 Add UsageKind for Knative Service (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7331 Add new deleteMany mutation for SBUsages in CBS and field in Function query with related SBUsages (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7145 Add HB troubleshooting section (@klaudiagrz)
- #7628 Hide Event Bus documentation, add missing docu to Eventing Mesh (@bszwarc)
- #7349 Added auth policy for app-validator, app-event-service and source adapter (@sayanh)
- #7610 Bump charts for eventbus to eventmesh upgrade tests (@sayanh)
- #7609 Add Eventbus to Eventmesh upgrade tests (@sayanh)
- #7616 Fix the events URL (@montaro)
- #7570 Knative Eventing Mesh Migration Guide (@montaro)
- #7301 Namespaces resources migration from event bus to event-mesh pre-upgrade job (@montaro)
- #7278 Create eventing mesh overview and architecture (@bszwarc)
- #7476 Bump event-bus upgrade test image (@nachtmaar)
- #7354 Disable event-bus-upgrade-test (@nachtmaar)
- #7431 Update event service docker image [Resources] (@montaro)
- #7429 Upgrade event-service Docker base image to
From scratch
[Component] (@montaro) - #7379 Fix compass E2E test (@marcobebway)
- #7260 Update Knative Eventing dependencies to v0.12 (@antoineco)
- #7313 Bump end-to-end-backup image (@nachtmaar)
- #7121 Add Event Mesh Latencies dashboard (@antoineco)
- #7013 Event mesh Delivery dashboard [resources] (@montaro)
- #7122 Bump image for knative-channel-kafka contract tests (@nachtmaar)
- #7050 Enable monitoring for http source (@sayanh)
- #6988 Eventing mesh dashboard delivery [component] (@montaro)
- #7078 KafkaChannelAcceptanceTest: Send CE to kafka channel (@nachtmaar)
- #7061 Add troubleshooting guide for knative eventing upgrade (@anishj0shi)
- #7496 Separate user DB per component (@jasiu001)
- #7683 Upgrade kiwigrid image (@suleymanakbas91)
- #7349 Added auth policy for app-validator, app-event-service and source adapter (@sayanh)
- #7597 Grafana test framework image removed (@hisarbalik)
- #7593 kyma-operator image bump (@strekm)
- #7591 bump helm in kyma-operator (@strekm)
- #7473 Grafana loki image update to v1.3.0 (@hisarbalik)
- #7548 Bump images with whitesource changes (@akucharska)
- #7545 bump alpine-kubectl version (@strekm)
- #7533 replace istio kubectl with alpine-kubectl (@strekm)
- #7490 Update images of components that use kubectl (@strekm)
- #7515 Use custom images for Kiali and Node Exporter (@suleymanakbas91)
- #7487 bump alpine to 3.11 in api-controller, apiserver-proxy, dex-static-us… (@strekm)
- #7494 busybox unification (@strekm)
- #7461 Restrict access to Rafter, Tekton and Knative Serving resources (@michal-hudy)
- #7477 Make helper cert job a helm hook (@piotrmsc)
- #7440 kyma-operator bump alpine version (@strekm)
- #7420 golang-buildpack version bump (@strekm)
- #7457 Update ory postgresql (@Demonsthere)
- #7465 Add a security doc on Serverless (@kazydek)
- #7418 Upgrade oathkeeper maester & hydra maester (@colunira)
- #7441 api-controller golang-buildpack version bump (@strekm)
- #7416 PoC: Distroless Istio (@Demonsthere)
- #7396 xip-patch bump (@strekm)
- #7352 Increase Istio Gateway security (@Demonsthere)
- #7238 Fix gardener tls rotation (@piotrmsc)
- #7319 Adjust group name for runtime namespace admins (@piotrmsc)
- #7214 Delete broken hooks in isito-cm (@Demonsthere)
- #7179 Generate JWKS for ory oathkeeper (@piotrmsc)
- #7204 Use Hydra in persistence mode by default: documentation (@jakkab)
- #7191 Update alpine-kubectl image (@suleymanakbas91)
- #7187 Fix security issue in APIServer Proxy (@colunira)
- #7141 Hydra sync mode: adjust charts (@jakkab)
- #7152 Change hpa definition and production overrdies to match expected keys (@piotrmsc)
- #7130 Add support for gcp sql proxy for hydra (@Demonsthere)
- #6931 Create istio production overrides (@Demonsthere)
- #6946 Istio & Ory performance tests (@strekm)
Service Mesh
- #7565 Reduce istio cpu requests for prod profile (@Demonsthere)
- #7488 Istio grafana dashboards fixes (@hisarbalik)
- #7551 Refactor istio charts (@Demonsthere)
- #7489 Update service-mesh (@Demonsthere)
- #7491 Use istioctl 1.4.6 (@piotrmsc)
- #7416 PoC: Distroless Istio (@Demonsthere)
- #7352 Increase Istio Gateway security (@Demonsthere)
- #7238 Fix gardener tls rotation (@piotrmsc)
- #7321 Upgrade to istio 1.4.5 (@piotrmsc)
- #7258 Bump istio-installer image (@Demonsthere)
- #7257 Fix value merging for istio overrides (@Demonsthere)
- #7214 Delete broken hooks in isito-cm (@Demonsthere)
- #7170 Update Istio Configuration Docs (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #6931 Create istio production overrides (@Demonsthere)
- #6946 Istio & Ory performance tests (@strekm)
- #7565 Reduce istio cpu requests for prod profile (@Demonsthere)
- #7551 Refactor istio charts (@Demonsthere)
- #7477 Make helper cert job a helm hook (@piotrmsc)
- #7285 Update the component list in Kyma cluster and local installation (@kazydek)
- #7255 Obsolete Tiller version troubleshooting (@colunira)
- #7173 Update migration guide (@kazydek)
- #7169 Add the migration guide for 1.10 (@kazydek)
- #7683 Upgrade kiwigrid image (@suleymanakbas91)
- #7597 Grafana test framework image removed (@hisarbalik)
- #7502 Fix empty slack notifications by switching to .Annotations.message attribute (@lauraanddola)
- #7584 Improved labelling of grafana dashboards (@a-thaler)
- #7541 Specify namespace for Istio gateway for Grafana virtual service (@sisiliao)
- #7574 reduce log level for grafana to warning (@a-thaler)
- #7488 Istio grafana dashboards fixes (@hisarbalik)
- #7530 Add profiles for Monitoring (@bszwarc)
- #7559 adjusted minikube setup for monitoring (@a-thaler)
- #7536 Monitoring test image bump (@hisarbalik)
- #7534 Monitoring test failing with calling prometheus targets endpoint (@hisarbalik)
- #7309 Reduce prometheus memory footprint by reduced labelling and defensive querying (@hisarbalik)
- #7454 Complete grafana oauth config and have kyma console disableable (@a-thaler)
- #7408 setting "editable" property to false in grafana dashboards (@shorim)
- #7121 Add Event Mesh Latencies dashboard (@antoineco)
- #7247 Azure coredns monitoring patch, fix for OOMKilled (@hisarbalik)
- #7013 Event mesh Delivery dashboard [resources] (@montaro)
- #7172 Monitoring CoreDNS exporter not working on AKS and Gardener with Azure (@hisarbalik)
- #7171 Prometheus missing kubelet metrics on AKS (@hisarbalik)
- #7050 Enable monitoring for http source (@sayanh)
- #6988 Eventing mesh dashboard delivery [component] (@montaro)
- #7123 Fix monitoring documentation (@bszwarc)
- #7117 Query sampling rate limit of promethues removed (@hisarbalik)
- #6884 Add monitoring info and guidelines (@bszwarc)
- #7103 CoreDNS monitoring exporter patch for Azure (@hisarbalik)
- #7090 AKS kubelet monitoring exporter patch (@hisarbalik)
- #7674 fluent bit config fix (@hisarbalik)
- #7663 Fluentbit psp capabilities add (@zralt)
- #7650 fix name for logging override in production profile (@hisarbalik)
- #7636 Fluentbit is missing concrete resources limitations (@hisarbalik)
- #7633 fluent-bit can't discover pod labels (@hisarbalik)
- #7630 Configurable exclude path for loki input (@a-thaler)
- #7595 Fix for loki match label with fluent-bit (@hisarbalik)
- #7576 Add security headers for log ui server (@kwiatekus)
- #7473 Grafana loki image update to v1.3.0 (@hisarbalik)
- #7403 Refactor Runtime Agent metrics schema (@franpog859)
- #7405 Log lines as JSON object fixed (@kwiatekus)
- #7317 Disable istio sidecar injection for fluentbit (@zralt)
- #7197 Log cluster metrics in Runtime Agent (@franpog859)
- #7115 fix for missing lambda logs in the lambda UI (@hisarbalik)
- #7402 Add a link to troubleshooting guide (@bszwarc)
- #7286 Add override to the troubleshooting guide (@bszwarc)
- #7664 Fix broken namespaces filter (@dariadomagala)
- #7645 Don't fetch both API & Event on details view (@akucharska)
- #7648 Fix 'docs per plan of null' error in console (@dariadomagala)
- #7646 Update usages of Compass GQL API (@Wawrzyn321)
- #7497 Api packages list & details (@Wawrzyn321)
- #7576 Add security headers for log ui server (@kwiatekus)
- #7543 Remove double 'master' prefix in Kyma version (@dariadomagala)
- #7525 Display old/new applications based on global.enableAPIPackages flag (@akucharska)
- #7527 Remove 'master' prefix from kyma version (@parostatkiem)
- #7517 Fix missing csp warning (@kwiatekus)
- #7375 Fix nginx vulnerabilities in console (@dariadomagala)
- #7351 Add service class plans list view and details view in plan context t… (@akucharska)
- #7308 Add label to UI tests (@Wawrzyn321)
- #7342 Remove old console docs (@dariadomagala)
- #7329 Fix docker images vulnerabilities in CBS (@dariadomagala)
- #7316 Update alpine for CBS to fix vulnerabilities (@dariadomagala)
- #7126 Expose Management Plane UIs in Console UI for Customer Admin role (@Wawrzyn321)
- #7270 Use random namespace names in CBS tests (@dariadomagala)
- #7195 Add a random string to the test namespace name (@dariadomagala)
- #7274 Remove double subscriptions in cbs (@dariadomagala)
- #7269 Random namespaces names in the CBS tests (@dariadomagala)
- #7271 Show Kyma version in the footer in Console (@dariadomagala)
- #7239 Remove pods subscriptions inside namespaces subscriptions (@dariadomagala)
- #7225 Update Console Dockerfiles to fix vulnerabilities (@dariadomagala)
- #7228 Add Kyma version query (@dariadomagala)
- #7180 Add kyma version query (@dariadomagala)
- #7200 Store users data in session storage instead of local storage (@dariadomagala)
- #7058 Filter services by labels in console-backend-service (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7163 Remove mocked connected status from applications (@akucharska)
- #7176 Add subscriptions to application details (@parostatkiem)
- #7162 Add admins group name to configmap (@parostatkiem)
- #7155 Change applications MF required permissions (@dariadomagala)
- #7114 Add scenarios and runtimes views from Compass to Console (@dariadomagala)
- #7120 Fix broken dropdowns in compass ui (@dariadomagala)
- #7071 Api docs microfrontend (@Wawrzyn321)
- #7115 fix for missing lambda logs in the lambda UI (@hisarbalik)
- #7095 Fix storing default credentials on API def add (@crabtree)
- #7684 Remove note from Eventing docs (@bszwarc)
- #7680 Fix formatting (@klaudiagrz)
- #7628 Hide Event Bus documentation, add missing docu to Eventing Mesh (@bszwarc)
- #7661 Update Certificates rotation tutorial (@majakurcius)
- #7635 Fix Gateway docs (@kazydek)
- #7627 Fix wrong header formatting (@klaudiagrz)
- #7622 Update labels link (@majakurcius)
- #7616 Fix the events URL (@montaro)
- #7620 Update official Compass docs on the website (@klaudiagrz)
- #7614 Fix broken links (@majakurcius)
- #7607 Fix folders for migration guides (@bszwarc)
- #7570 Knative Eventing Mesh Migration Guide (@montaro)
- #7604 Add endpoints to whitelist (@bszwarc)
- #7600 Fix whitespace trimming in AKS installation docs (@Demonsthere)
- #7598 Correct one Serverless tutorial (@kazydek)
- #7590 Add migration guide with an entry about Kyma CLI (@bszwarc)
- #7565 Reduce istio cpu requests for prod profile (@Demonsthere)
- #7560 Document gatewayOncePerNamespace Application Operator work mode (@majakurcius)
- #7530 Add profiles for Monitoring (@bszwarc)
- #7423 Remove nginx-controller (@majakurcius)
- #7557 Add a note about roles limitations in HB (@klaudiagrz)
- #7278 Create eventing mesh overview and architecture (@bszwarc)
- #7489 Update service-mesh (@Demonsthere)
- #7485 Fix broken links (@bszwarc)
- #7483 Change claim into parameter (@kazydek)
- #7465 Add a security doc on Serverless (@kazydek)
- #7302 Prepare tutorial about binding Service Instances to lambda (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7469 Remove outdated documentation from the official docs (@klaudiagrz)
- #7411 Remove dead link (@bszwarc)
- #7394 Add Kyma installation steps for IBM Cloud (@kazydek)
- #7400 Update caution in Rafter to mention the risk of high costs (@kazydek)
- #7402 Add a link to troubleshooting guide (@bszwarc)
- #7389 Docu - changed name of ca secret to kyma-gateway-certs-cacert (@strekm)
- #7384 Rename the Create ConfigMap tutorial (@majakurcius)
- #7365 Update the image for core-ui after unifying API Rules naming (@kazydek)
- #7365 Update the image for core-ui after unifying API Rules naming (@kazydek)
- #7342 Remove old console docs (@dariadomagala)
- #7314 Update Serverless v2 docs with information about default labels (@magicmatatjahu)
- #7322 Fix dead links (@kazydek)
- #7285 Update the component list in Kyma cluster and local installation (@kazydek)
- #7286 Add override to the troubleshooting guide (@bszwarc)
- #7289 Fix broken links (@bszwarc)
- #7281 Removed default namespace from CRD (@kazydek)
- #7272 Minor editorial changes (@majakurcius)
- #7226 Add documents on exposing lambda functions with API Rules (@kazydek)
- #7261 Update Runtime Provisioner documentation (@majakurcius)
- #7167 Document Runtime Agent (@majakurcius)
- #7255 Obsolete Tiller version troubleshooting (@colunira)
- #7227 Document the Function CR (@kazydek)
- #7128 Create entry docs for Serverless v2 (@kazydek)
- #7223 Remove the migration guide (@kazydek)
- #7204 Use Hydra in persistence mode by default: documentation (@jakkab)
- #7170 Update Istio Configuration Docs (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #7184 Update docs with the current Knative Service version used in Function… (@kazydek)
- #7173 Update migration guide (@kazydek)
- #7156 Add information about Oathkeeper production profile overrides (@colunira)
- #7169 Add the migration guide for 1.10 (@kazydek)
- #7130 Add support for gcp sql proxy for hydra (@Demonsthere)
- #7157 Update App. Connector overview (@tomekpapiernik)
- #7143 Update fn-controller docs (@aerfio)
- #7145 Add HB troubleshooting section (@klaudiagrz)
- #7133 Fix dead link (@bszwarc)
- #7123 Fix monitoring documentation (@bszwarc)
- #6884 Add monitoring info and guidelines (@bszwarc)
- #7100 Add note about Tiller upgrade (@colunira)
- #7094 Update Runtime Provisioner documentation (@majakurcius)
- #6931 Create istio production overrides (@Demonsthere)
- #7061 Add troubleshooting guide for knative eventing upgrade (@anishj0shi)
Core and Supporting
- #7599 Fix vulnerable images for MinIO, MinIO Client, and update Docker Registry image (@aerfio)
- #7461 Restrict access to Rafter, Tekton and Knative Serving resources (@michal-hudy)
- #7357 Secure storage endpoint (@michal-hudy)
Committers: 60
- Adam Szecówka (@aszecowka)
- Adam Wałach (@adamwalach)
- Agata Kucharska (@akucharska)
- Ahmed ElRefaey Hamouda (@montaro)
- Andreas Thaler (@a-thaler)
- Anish Joshi (@anishj0shi)
- Antoine Cotten (@antoineco)
- Arkadiusz Galwas (@akgalwas)
- Barbara Szwarc (@bszwarc)
- Benjamin Somhegyi (@ebensom)
- Damian Badura (@dbadura)
- Daria Domagała (@dariadomagala)
- Filip Strózik (@pPrecel)
- Franciszek Pogodziński (@franpog859)
- Gaurav Abbi (@abbi-gaurav)
- Hisar Balik (@hisarbalik)
- Jakub Błaszczyk (@Demonsthere)
- Jakub Dziechciewicz (@kubadz)
- Jakub Kabza (@jakkab)
- Jan Sudczak (@parostatkiem)
- Julia Iskierka (@colunira)
- Kamil Sputo (@ksputo)
- Karol Furgoł (@kfurgol)
- Karol Jaksik (@kjaksik)
- Karolina Zydek (@kazydek)
- Klaudia Grzondziel (@klaudiagrz)
- Korbinian Stoemmer (@k15r)
- Krystian Cieślik (@crabtree)
- Krzysztof (@kwiatekus)
- Maciej Urbańczyk (@magicmatatjahu)
- Marco Bebway (@marcobebway)
- Mariusz Szymański (@Maladie)
- Mateusz Puczyński (@aerfio)
- Mateusz Szostok (@mszostok)
- Michal Kempski (@polskikiel)
- Michał Hudy (@michal-hudy)
- Nils Schmidt (@nachtmaar)
- Paweł Kosiec (@pkosiec)
- Piotr Jasiak (@jasiu001)
- Piotr Miśkiewicz (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- Piotr Mścichowski (@piotrmsc)
- Piotr Wawrzyńczyk (@Wawrzyn321)
- Przemyslaw Golicz (@koala7659)
- Rafał Potempa (@rafalpotempa)
- Rakesh Garimella (@rakesh-garimella)
- Sayan Hazra (@sayanh)
- Sisi LIAO (@sisiliao)
- Suleyman Akbas (@suleymanakbas91)
- Szymon Gibała (@Szymongib)
- Szymon Janota (@sjanota)
- Thorsten Gawantka (@thogaw)
- Tomasz Gorgol (@tgorgol)
- Tomasz Papiernik (@tomekpapiernik)
- Tomasz Smelcerz (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- Zsolt Kis (@zralt)
- @lauraanddola
- @majakurcius
- @shorim
- @strekm
- marcin witalis (@m00g3n)