A program that prints two lists: a list of people that you follow, but don't follow you back, and a list of people that follow you, but that you don't follow back on Instagram, using Selenium
This program scrapes Instagram web pages and uses that data to make requests to Instagram's GraphQL API (no need for an API key!), in order to create lists of the usernames that follow you and that you follow. By comparing the two lists, it returns all the usernames that are in the "Following" list and are not in your "Followers" list. Essentially, showing you who has not followed you back. It does the same process for showing you who follows you, but you aren't following them back.
Wicked uses several evasion/masquerading techniques, including throttling, to appear as a legitimate user and to prevent being seen as a bot/web scraper.
- Prerequisite: Must have Python3
- Run: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run: python3 Wicked.py
- Input your username/email/phone # and password for Instagram (MFA code too, if enabled), and wait a few minutes for it to return the results. Run time is dependent on how many people you follow / follow you
- This program does not log your username or password, it simply passes it to the Instagram login form
- This program uses HTTPS and TLSv1.3 to send information to Instagram
-h, --help, -u, --usage Show usage/help menu
-v, --version Print program version
-o, --output Write results (both lists) to file
E.g. python3 Wicked.py -o results.txt