Tags: kwado-tech/l10n_mapper
Refactor localization files formatting and code style Cleaned up and standardized formatting across localization files: - Improved multiline string formatting - Aligned code style with consistent indentation - Removed unnecessary line breaks - Simplified code structure in generated localization files
Bump package version to 2.1.6-pre.2 - Updated CHANGELOG.md with new version - Incremented package version in pubspec.yaml
Add version extraction script to GitHub workflows and bump package ve… …rsion - Introduced a Dart script to dynamically extract version from pubspec.yaml - Updated git_package_release.yml and pub_package_publish.yml to use dynamic version extraction - Bumped l10n_mapper_generator package version to 2.1.6-pre.1 - Updated CHANGELOG.md with new version details
[FEATURE] Change generated mapper extension to `.mapper.dart` (#23) ## Description PS. This fix is aimed to resolve this [feature-request](#22) ## Please check the following boxes <!--- Put an `X` in all the boxes that apply: --> - [x] Pull Request title is consistent with the implemented feature, fix etc. - [x] I have followed proper descriptive code style and conventions - [x] The code is self-documenting and has no unnecessary comments. I named the functions and variables to clearly describe their purpose. - [ ] I have added Unit Tests and coverage is 70%+ - [x] I have tested and verified this implementation and it works as expected
[FIX] Updated package dependencies to resolve analysis issues. (#21) ## Description [Updated package dependencies to resolve analysis issues](fb853d3) ## Please check the following boxes <!--- Put an `X` in all the boxes that apply: --> - [x] Pull Request title is consistent with the implemented feature, fix etc. - [x] I have followed proper descriptive code style and conventions - [x] The code is self-documenting and has no unnecessary comments. I named the functions and variables to clearly describe their purpose. - [ ] I have added Unit Tests and coverage is 70%+ - [x] I have tested and verified this implementation and it works as expected