Releases: kura-okubo/SeisDownload.jl
Releases · kura-okubo/SeisDownload.jl
major update
- Using SeisIO.remove_response: removed Obspy dependency.�
- Memory usage optimization: use HDD/SSD for temporal file
- Down sampling when saving data
- Add download margin: To avoid edge effect while removing instrumental response, downloading data + margin time (ex. + 5min before and after requested time window), and adjusting the timeseries to the intended time window after removing resp.
- Accepting Wildcard
debug remove response
v1.1.1 update
v1.1: Merge pull request #3 from kura-okubo/dev
Update including modification of dependency and bugs.
SeisDownload v1.0
Easy download and save data with SeisIO®.