Promps user to confirm navigation. A replacement component for the react-router <Prompt/>
(this still uses react-router to work). Allows for more flexible dialogs.
Note: Currently tested using only react-router's BrowserHistory
. HashHistory
has issues: ZacharyRSmith#36
Note: Navigation away from your site, reload, or closing tab/window will also prompt navigation confirmation when <NavigationPrompt/>
's props.when
is truthy. Usually, browsers handle this navigation UX themselves, leading to vanilla alert boxes. Also, many browsers require users to interact with your site before confirming navigation away.
Motivation: remix-run/react-router#4635
Adapted from:
A visual example of <Prompt />
vs the package in action:
import NavigationPrompt from "react-router-navigation-prompt";
import ConfirmNavigationModal from "./your-own-code";
<NavigationPrompt when={this.state.shouldConfirmNavigation}>
{({ onConfirm, onCancel }) => (
import NavigationPrompt from "react-router-navigation-prompt";
import Modal from "./your-own-code";
// Children will be rendered even if props.when is falsey and isActive is false:
// Confirm navigation if going to a path that does not start with current path:
when={(crntLocation, nextLocation) =>
!nextLocation || !nextLocation.pathname.startsWith(crntLocation.pathname)
{({ isActive, onCancel, onConfirm }) => {
if (isActive) {
return (
<Modal show={true}>
<p>Do you really want to leave?</p>
<button onClick={onCancel}>Cancel</button>
<button onClick={onConfirm}>Ok</button>
return <div>This is probably an anti-pattern but ya know...</div>;
- afterCancel?: Function,
- afterConfirm?: Function,
- allowGoBack: bool (use goBack method instead of push when navigating back -- !! NOTE WELL !! it will always navigate back only 1 item, even when it should navigate back more items. read more: ZacharyRSmith#30),
- beforeCancel?: Function,
- beforeConfirm?: Function,
- children: (data: {isActive: bool, onCancel: Function, onConfirm: Function}) => React$Element<*>,
- renderIfNotActive: bool,
- when: bool | (Location, ?Location) => bool,
- disableNative: bool, // Added by react-router:
- match: Match,
- history: RouterHistory,
- location: Location,