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obaydullahmhs committed May 3, 2024
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title: ConnectCluster CRD
docs_{{ .version }}:
identifier: kf-connectcluster-concepts
name: ConnectCluster
parent: kf-concepts-kafka
weight: 10
menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
section_menu_id: guides

> New to KubeDB? Please start [here](/docs/
# ConnectCluster

## What is ConnectCluster

`ConnectCluster` is a Kubernetes `Custom Resource Definitions` (CRD). It provides declarative configuration for [ConnectCluster]( in a Kubernetes native way. You only need to describe the desired configuration in a `ConnectCluster` object, and the KubeDB operator will create Kubernetes objects in the desired state for you.

## ConnectCluster Spec

As with all other Kubernetes objects, a ConnectCluster needs `apiVersion`, `kind`, and `metadata` fields. It also needs a `.spec` section. Below is an example ConnectCluster object.

kind: ConnectCluster
name: connectcluster
namespace: demo
version: 3.6.1
failureThreshold: 3
periodSeconds: 20
timeoutSeconds: 10
disableSecurity: false
name: connectcluster-auth
enableSSL: true
name: connectcluster-keystore-cred
kind: Issuer
name: connectcluster-ca-issuer
- alias: server
secretName: connectcluster-server-cert
- alias: client
secretName: connectcluster-client-cert
name: custom-connectcluster-config
replicas: 3
- gcs-0.13.0
- mongodb-1.11.0
- s3-2.15.0
name: kafka
namespace: demo
passMe: ToDatabasePod
thisLabel: willGoToPod
passMe: ToStatefulSet
thisLabel: willGoToSts
port: 56790
release: prometheus
interval: 10s
terminationPolicy: WipeOut
### spec.version
`spec.version` is a required field specifying the name of the [KafkaVersion](/docs/guides/kafka/concepts/ crd where the docker images are specified. Currently, when you install KubeDB, it creates the following `Kafka` resources,

- `3.3.2`
- `3.4.1`
- `3.5.1`
- `3.5.2`
- `3.6.0`
- `3.6.1`

### spec.replicas

`spec.replicas` the number of worker nodes in ConnectCluster.

KubeDB uses `PodDisruptionBudget` to ensure that majority of these replicas are available during [voluntary disruptions]( so that quorum is maintained.

### spec.disableSecurity

`spec.disableSecurity` is an optional field that specifies whether to disable all kind of security features like basic authentication and tls. The default value of this field is `false`.

### spec.connectorPlugins

`spec.connectorPlugins` is an optional field that specifies the list of connector plugins to be installed in the ConnectCluster worker node. The field takes a list of strings where each string represents the name of the KafkaConnectorVersion CR. To learn more about KafkaConnectorVersion CR, visit [here](/docs/guides/kafka/concepts/
- <connector-plugin-name-1>
- <connector-plugin-name-2>

### spec.kafkaRef

`spec.kafkaRef` is a required field that specifies the name and namespace of the appbinding for `Kafka` object that the `ConnectCluster` object is associated with.
name: <kafka-object-appbinding-name>
namespace: <kafka-object-appbinding-namespace>

### spec.configSecret

`spec.configSecret` is an optional field that specifies the name of the secret containing the custom configuration for the ConnectCluster. The secret should contain a key `` which contains the custom configuration for the ConnectCluster. The default value of this field is `nil`.
name: <custom-config-secret-name>

### spec.authSecret

`spec.authSecret` is an optional field that points to a Secret used to hold credentials for `ConnectCluster` username and password. If not set, KubeDB operator creates a new Secret `{connectcluster-object-name}-connect-cred` for storing the username and password for each ConnectCluster object.

We can use this field in 3 mode.
1. Using an external secret. In this case, You need to create an auth secret first with required fields, then specify the secret name when creating the ConnectCluster object using `` & set `spec.authSecret.externallyManaged` to true.
name: <your-created-auth-secret-name>
externallyManaged: true

2. Specifying the secret name only. In this case, You need to specify the secret name when creating the Kafka object using ``. `externallyManaged` is by default false.
name: <intended-auth-secret-name>

3. Let KubeDB do everything for you. In this case, no work for you.

AuthSecret contains a `user` key and a `password` key which contains the `username` and `password` respectively for ConnectCluster user.


$ kubectl create secret generic kcc-auth -n demo \
--from-literal=username=jhon-doe \
secret "kcc-auth" created

apiVersion: v1
password: NnE4dV8yak1PVy1PT1pYaw==
username: amhvbi1kb2U=
kind: Secret
name: kcc-auth
namespace: demo
type: Opaque

Secrets provided by users are not managed by KubeDB, and therefore, won't be modified or garbage collected by the KubeDB operator (version 0.13.0 and higher).

### spec.enableSSL

`spec.enableSSL` is an `optional` field that specifies whether to enable TLS to HTTP layer. The default value of this field is `false`.

enableSSL: true

### spec.keystoreCredSecret

`spec.keystoreCredSecret` is an `optional` field that specifies the name of the secret containing the keystore credentials for the ConnectCluster. The secret should contain three keys `ssl.keystore.password`, `ssl.key.password` and `ssl.keystore.password`. The default value of this field is `nil`.

name: <keystore-cred-secret-name>

### spec.tls

`spec.tls` specifies the TLS/SSL configurations. The KubeDB operator supports TLS management by using the [cert-manager]( Currently, the operator only supports the `PKCS#8` encoded certificates.

apiGroup: ""
kind: Issuer
name: kcc-issuer
- alias: server
encoding: PKCS8
secretName: kcc-client-cert
- kubedb
- alias: http
encoding: PKCS8
secretName: kcc-server-cert
- kubedb

The `spec.tls` contains the following fields:

- `tls.issuerRef` - is an `optional` field that references to the `Issuer` or `ClusterIssuer` custom resource object of [cert-manager]( It is used to generate the necessary certificate secrets for ConnectCluster. If the `issuerRef` is not specified, the operator creates a self-signed CA and also creates necessary certificate (valid: 365 days) secrets using that CA.
- `apiGroup` - is the group name of the resource that is being referenced. Currently, the only supported value is ``.
- `kind` - is the type of resource that is being referenced. The supported values are `Issuer` and `ClusterIssuer`.
- `name` - is the name of the resource ( `Issuer` or `ClusterIssuer` ) that is being referenced.

- `tls.certificates` - is an `optional` field that specifies a list of certificate configurations used to configure the certificates. It has the following fields:
- `alias` - represents the identifier of the certificate. It has the following possible value:
- `server` - is used for the server certificate configuration.
- `client` - is used for the client certificate configuration.

- `secretName` - ( `string` | `"<database-name>-alias-cert"` ) - specifies the k8s secret name that holds the certificates.

- `subject` - specifies an `X.509` distinguished name (DN). It has the following configurable fields:
- `organizations` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of organization names.
- `organizationalUnits` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of organization unit names.
- `countries` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of country names (ie. Country Codes).
- `localities` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of locality names.
- `provinces` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of province names.
- `streetAddresses` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of street addresses.
- `postalCodes` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of postal codes.
- `serialNumber` ( `string` | `""` ) is a serial number.

For more details, visit [here](

- `duration` ( `string` | `""` ) - is the period during which the certificate is valid. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as `"300m"`, `"1.5h"` or `"20h45m"`. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
- `renewBefore` ( `string` | `""` ) - is a specifiable time before expiration duration.
- `dnsNames` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of subject alt names.
- `ipAddresses` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of IP addresses.
- `uris` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of URI Subject Alternative Names.
- `emailAddresses` ( `[]string` | `nil` ) - is a list of email Subject Alternative Names.

### spec.monitor

ConnectCluster managed by KubeDB can be monitored with Prometheus operator out-of-the-box. To learn more,
- [Monitor Apache with Prometheus operator](/docs/guides/kafka/monitoring/

### spec.podTemplate

KubeDB allows providing a template for pod through `spec.podTemplate`. KubeDB operator will pass the information provided in `spec.podTemplate` to the StatefulSet created for ConnectCluster.

KubeDB accept following fields to set in `spec.podTemplate:`

- metadata:
- annotations (pod's annotation)
- labels (pod's labels)
- controller:
- annotations (statefulset's annotation)
- labels (statefulset's labels)
- spec:
- volumes
- initContainers
- containers
- imagePullSecrets
- nodeSelector
- affinity
- serviceAccountName
- schedulerName
- tolerations
- priorityClassName
- priority
- securityContext
- livenessProbe
- readinessProbe
- lifecycle

You can check out the full list [here]( Uses of some field of `spec.podTemplate` is described below,

#### spec.podTemplate.spec.nodeSelector

`spec.podTemplate.spec.nodeSelector` is an optional field that specifies a map of key-value pairs. For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels (it can have additional labels as well). To learn more, see [here]( .

#### spec.podTemplate.spec.resources

`spec.podTemplate.spec.resources` is an optional field. This can be used to request compute resources required by the database pods. To learn more, visit [here](

### spec.serviceTemplates

You can also provide template for the services created by KubeDB operator for Kafka cluster through `spec.serviceTemplates`. This will allow you to set the type and other properties of the services.

KubeDB allows following fields to set in `spec.serviceTemplates`:
- `alias` represents the identifier of the service. It has the following possible value:
- `stats` is used for the exporter service identification.
- metadata:
- labels
- annotations
- spec:
- type
- ports
- clusterIP
- externalIPs
- loadBalancerIP
- loadBalancerSourceRanges
- externalTrafficPolicy
- healthCheckNodePort
- sessionAffinityConfig

See [here]( to understand these fields in detail.

### spec.terminationPolicy

`terminationPolicy` gives flexibility whether to `nullify`(reject) the delete operation of `ConnectCluster` crd or which resources KubeDB should keep or delete when you delete `ConnectCluster` crd. KubeDB provides following four termination policies:
- Delete
- DoNotTerminate
- WipeOut

When `terminationPolicy` is `DoNotTerminate`, KubeDB takes advantage of `ValidationWebhook` feature in Kubernetes 1.9.0 or later clusters to implement `DoNotTerminate` feature. If admission webhook is enabled, `DoNotTerminate` prevents users from deleting the database as long as the `spec.terminationPolicy` is set to `DoNotTerminate`.

## spec.healthChecker
It defines the attributes for the health checker.
- `spec.healthChecker.periodSeconds` specifies how often to perform the health check.
- `spec.healthChecker.timeoutSeconds` specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
- `spec.healthChecker.failureThreshold` specifies minimum consecutive failures for the healthChecker to be considered failed.
- `spec.healthChecker.disableWriteCheck` specifies whether to disable the writeCheck or not.

Know details about KubeDB Health checking from this [blog post](

## Next Steps

- Learn how to use KubeDB to run a Apache Kafka Connect cluster [here](/docs/guides/kafka/
- Monitor your ConnectCluster with KubeDB using [`out-of-the-box` Prometheus operator](/docs/guides/kafka/monitoring/
- Detail concepts of [KafkaConnectorVersion object](/docs/guides/kafka/concepts/
- Learn to use KubeDB managed Kafka objects using [CLIs](/docs/guides/kafka/cli/
- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our [contribution guidelines](/docs/

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