This project is just a simple script for rapid setup of AP with routing and DNS on your local linux machine.
Two network interfaces, one with the AP capability (you can check it with iw list
and look under 'Supported interface modes') and one as external interface.
It's sometimes necessary to disable firewalld service.
Before you run this script run it with -h option and make sure you know what options you need.
Flag -d means 'default', it's like running scripts with -P, -m, -a, -r flags.
Flag -P runs dockerized pihole, more on that here: On some systems it is necessary to run -m flag to mount cgroup.
Flag -a runs airmon-ng check kill to kill all services which can affect AP.
Flag -r creates iptables rules for routing.
Remember to change WEBPASSWORD for pihole!
Tested on Fedora 33 and 34.