released this
28 May 13:19
Ktor fails to deliver response with error: failed with exception: kotlinx.coroutines.JobCancellationException: Parent job is Completed; (KTOR-2711 )
Wrong Tabs Name in Code Blocks (KTOR-2726 )
Apache HTTP Client does not send Content-Length header if body is empty content (KTOR-556 )
Review Auth providers (KTOR-2637 )
When the main thread executes runBlocking, using the iOS engine will cause a deadlock (KTOR-2683 )
Deprecate TestApplicationCall.requestHandled (KTOR-2712 )
Update Dokka: Dokka tasks fails with old dokka version and Gradle 7 (KTOR-2693 )
Duplicate server Features
Section on the Documentation Website (KTOR-2702 )
Duplicate entry "Features" in Server docs (KTOR-1546 )
Upgrading from 1.4.3 to 1.5.2 introduced a routing precedence (KTOR-2278 )
Sporadic OkHttp errors after upgrading to ktor 1.3.1 (KTOR-449 )
Netty: server freezes after start error (KTOR-803 )
aSocket().bind() sometimes throws Already bound SocketException (KTOR-638 )
UDPSocketTest.testBroadcastSuccessful[jvm] is failing (KTOR-2616 )
Fix flaky CIOHttpsTest.customDomainsTest[jvm] (KTOR-2065 )
Occasionally empty response using Netty + Jackson (KTOR-1973 )
'%3D' inside query of redirect target location will be replaced to '=' (KTOR-2057 )
CIO: TLSConfigBuilder JVM allow null as password (KTOR-940 )
route("{...}") stopped matching root (KTOR-1965 )
call.respond() will not check or apply ContentNegotiation for some types (KTOR-2194 )
Add support for Velocity Tools (KTOR-2345 )
Base name of micrometer metrics is not configurable (KTOR-2210 )
Support for Compression Extensions for WebSocket (RFC 7692) (KTOR-688 )
Document usage of Bearer token in Http Client (KTOR-2439 )
How to track leaked buffers in ktor-io? (KTOR-2442 )
Routing: Add PutTyped and PatchTyped Overload (KTOR-1344 )
Migrate to Dokka 1.4.0 (KTOR-1032 )
Client upload/download progress observer/handler/interceptor (KTOR-400 )
HTTP-client auth with Bearer token (KTOR-331 )
Expose TrailingSlashRouteSelector (KTOR-2511 )
Add an option to disable URL Encoding (KTOR-553 )
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