RingSAGE is a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) architecture designed for cycle detection and molecular property prediction. By incorporating virtual nodes into the message-passing framework, RingSAGE can capture crucial cyclic information in molecules, improving the performance on tasks such as molecular regression and classification.
- Automatically detects minimal cycles in molecular graphs using NetworkX.
- Incorporates virtual nodes (via RingSAGE layers) to effectively enhance node representations.
- Provides a consistent interface for training, validation, and testing in PyTorch Geometric.
- Supports multiple GNN backbones, including GCN, GIN, GAT, and (by default) RingSAGE.
- Handles both graph classification and regression tasks.
To install RingSAGE, simply run:
pip install ringsage
Below is a minimal example of how you might use RingSAGE within a training script:
import torch
from torch_geometric.datasets import ZINC
from torch_geometric.loader import DataLoader
from ringsage.model import MoleculeRegressor
from ringsage.types import GNN, Task, Optimizer, Scheduler
from ringsage.schemas import ModelConfig
from ringsage.train import train
from ringsage.utils import cycle_collate_fn
train_dataset = ZINC("", True, split = 'train')
val_dataset = ZINC("", True, split = 'val')
test_dataset = ZINC("", True, split = 'test')
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=128, collate_fn=cycle_collate_fn)
val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=128, collate_fn=cycle_collate_fn)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=128, collate_fn=cycle_collate_fn)
config = ModelConfig(
task_type = Task.GRAPH_REGRESSION,
num_features = train_dataset.num_node_features,
hidden_channels = 128,
num_classes = 1,
gnn_depth = 4,
gnn_module = GNN.RINGSAGE,
scheduler = Scheduler.COSINE,
optimizer = Optimizer.ADAM,
num_edge_features = train_dataset.num_edge_features,
num_node_features = train_dataset.num_node_features
model = MoleculeRegressor(config)
model_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters())
print(f"Number of parameters: {model_params}")
optimizer = model.configure_optimizers(lr=1e-3)
scheduler = model.configure_schedulers(optimizer, T_max=100)
report = train(
device="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu",
print("Training complete! Final report:", report)
We welcome contributions! To contribute, please clone the repository and open a pull request with any improvements or fixes.
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
If you use RingSAGE in a research work, please cite the repository and any relevant papers. We appreciate your support and contribution to open-source software.