- We have developed this REST API for an Tutor Booking application. This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations of any Tutor Booking platform with user validation at every step.
- This project is developed by team of 5 Back-end Developers during project week in Masai School.
- JavaScript
- MongoDB
- Nodejs
- Express
- Redis
- Boostrap
- User Module
- Teacher Module
- Student Module
- Cource Module
- Booking Module
- Feedback Module
Following ER diagram indicates the database tables and thier interaction which we are using.
Following HLD diagram indicates the database build in components
- User and Admin authentication & validation with session uuid having.
- Admin Features:
- Administrator Role of the entire application
- Only registered admins with valid session token can add/update/delete driver or customer from main database
- Admin can access the details of different users, buses and routes.
- Customer Features:
- Registering themselves with application, and logging in to get the valid session token
- Viewing list of available Tutors and booking a slot.
- Only logged in users can update his/her slots, profile updation and other features.
##Deploy Link
## API Module Endpoints
### User Module
signup= post request
Api =http://localhost:9090/userRoutes/signup
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/userRoutes/signup
Details add in body = name,email,password
Login = post req
Api = http://localhost:9090/userRoutes/login
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/userRoutes/login
Details add in body = email, password
Add Teacher Details=>
Api = http://localhost:9090/scheduler/teacher/addDetails
deploy= https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/teacher/addDetails
Details add in body => address = create div =( three input tag = city,state,pincode)
qualification = input tag
Experience =input tag
Expertise = check box =(different subjects)
Student Add Details
Api = http://localhost:9090/scheduler/student/addDetails
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/student/addDetails
Details add in body => address = create div =( three input tag = city,state,pincode)
Standard = input tag
Subjects = check box =(different subjects)
Logout =>get request
Api = http://localhost:9090/userRoutes/logout
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/userRoutes/logout
Forgot Password =>
post req => body = email
Api = http://localhost:9090/userRoutes/forgotPasword
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/userRoutes/forgotPasword
Verify OTp =post req => body = otp
Api= http://localhost:9090/userRoutes/verifyOTP
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/userRoutes/verifyOTP
Update password = post => body = password
Api = http://localhost:9090/userRoutes/changePassword
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/userRoutes/changePassword
Get All Techer Details =>
Api = http://localhost:9090/scheduler/teacher/getAllTeacher
Deploy =https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/teacher/getAllTeacher
Update teacher
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/teacher/update/TeacherDetails
Update student
Deploy = https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/student/update/StudentDetails
Delete teacher
Deploy =https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/teacher/delete/TeacherDetails
Delete student
Deploy = =https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/scheduler/student/delete/StudentDetails
Feedback Add (post) = > http://localhost:9090/feedback/StudentFeedback
Deploy =https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/feedback/StudentFeedback
All Feedback(get) => http://localhost:9090/feedback/allFeedback
Dep = =https://odd-teal-caridea-tux.cyclic.app/feedback/allFeedback
Add Course
Get all courses
All booking
Search teacher with name