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This library provides :

  • a MathQuill input in which you can write both mathematical expressions (in LaTeX) and raw text
  • a customizable, pretty, mobile-friendly keyboard for this input.

You can test it in CodeSandbox : js version or ts version.

⚠️ This is using a fork of MathQuill in order to use the comma as a decimal separator and the symbol $\times$ instead of $\cdot$ for multiplication. This is not customizable so far, but could be in the future if there are requests for it.

This library is used by

Basic usage

Install the package :

npm i react-math-keyboard

Then import the MathInput :

import MathInput from "react-math-keyboard";

You can then use it with no configuration :

<MathInput />

Getting the value of the input as a LaTeX string :

const [latex, setLatex] = useState("")
<MathInput setValue={setLatex} />

If you need to do more specific stuff with the input, you should retrieve the ref to the MathField, and then the whole MathQuill API is available to use.

const mf = useRef<MathField>();
const onClick = () => mf.current.latex("click!");

<MathInput setMathfieldRef={(mathfield)=>mf.current=mathfield} />
<button onClick={onClick}>Click me</button>

Customizing the keyboard

You can hide the toolbar if you don't need additional keys :

<MathInput numericToolbarKeys={[]} />

Or you can provide an array of KeyIds or KeyProps if you only want certain keys. Here is the format for KeyProps :

Prop : Type Default Description
id: KeyId none Use a KeyId or "custom" for defining your own key
label: string | ReactNode none What's displayed on the keyboard
labelType: "raw" | "tex" | "svg" none Type of the label
mathfieldInstructions?: MathfieldInstructions undefined An objet { method , content }, with content being a string and method is one of the MathQuill Api methods.
onClick?: () => void undefined To provide custom logic to the key
fullWidth?: boolean true shorthand for width='100%'
isUtilityKey?: boolean false Utility keys have a different background

Example :

      id: "custom",
      label: "custom label",
      labelType: "raw",
      mathfieldInstructions: {
        method: "write",
        content: "custom content",

All the MathInput Props

Prop: Type Default value Description
lang?: ("en"|"fr") en Defines the language, currently only English and French suppported
numericToolbarKeys?: (KeyId | KeyProps)[] undefined
  • undefined : All the keys
  • Empty array : No toolbar
  • Otherwise : the keys you've provided
numericToolbarTabs?: KeyGroupIds[] undefined Choose the options you want in the select menu of the toolbar. See KeyGroup for a list of options
allowAlphabeticKeyboard?: boolean true Hide/show the alphabetic keyboard
alphabeticToolbarKeys?: (KeyId | KeyProps)[] undefined Same thing that numericToolbarKeys but for the alphabetic keyboard
setMathfieldRef?: (mf: MathField) => void undefined Retrieve the ref to the MathQuill input in order to use the MathQuill Api
setClearRef?: (f: () => void) => void undefined Pass it a ref in order to have a shorthand for clearing the input. e.g : setClearRef( f => myRef.current = f) then myRef.current() somewhere in your App
initialLatex?: string undefined This latex will be shown in the input at the initial render. Updates of this prop won't affect the input. You should interact with the MathField ref directly if you want to do stuff with the input.
setValue?: (s: string) => void undefined To retrieve the latex
divisionFormat?: "fraction" | "obelus" "fraction" Whether to show divisions as fractions or with the division symbol ÷
style?: React.CSSProperties {} CSS for the input
size?: "small" | "medium" "medium" Shorthand to change the padding of the input
rootElementId?: string undefined By default, the keyboard applies a padding bottom on the <body> in order to not overflow the input. You can use this prop to set this padding on another element than the body. For example, you can target Nextjs' root element by doing rootElementId = "__next".
fullWidth?: boolean true Shorthand for width="100%"


Don't hesitate to give feedback, and any contribution is welcomed !


A customizable math keyboard for React




MIT, Unknown licenses found

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