Note: At the moment, avro-clj doesn't support Nested maps, which will be added in next release.
(ns sample
(:require [avroclj.avro :as avro]))
;The avro schema to use for serializing/desrializing should be attached to the
;clojure map using the meta key :avro-type
;in the below example, avroclj will look for the avro schema file:"avroclj/model/person/Person.avsc" in
;the class path to serialize/deserialize
(defn person [fields]
(with-meta fields {:avro-type :avroclj-model-person-Person})
;Serializes the map into a byte array
(def byteArray (avro/serialize (person {:first-name "John" :middle-name "Pradeep" :last-name "Vincent"})))
;Deserializes the bytes into the map passed as argument
(avro/deserialize byteArray (person {}))
"namespace": "avroclj.model.person",
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Person",
"doc" : "Represents a Person",
"fields" : [
{"name" : "firstName", "type" : "string"},
{"name" : "middleName", "type" : "string"},
{"name" : "lastName", "type" : "string"}
If you don't have a schema (avsc) file in class path, you can bind a schema dynamically during run time as shown.
(ns sample
(:require [avroclj.avro :as avro]))
;Add a schema definition to avro clj which will be used when you call serialize/deserialize on map/byte array
;with appropriate :avro-type meta data as shown in the below example.
(avro/add-schema {:namespace :avroclj.model.location
:name :Location
:type "record"
:doc "Represnts a Location"
:fields [
{:name "id"
:type "string"
{:name "name"
:type "string"
(defn location [fields]
(with-meta fields {:avro-type :avroclj.model.location.Location})
(def byteArray (avro/serialize (location {:name "India" :id "IND"})))
(avro/deserialize byteArray (location {}))
avro-clj is published in clojars
[yehohanan7/avro-clj "0.3"]