kontur.ru team @ ICFPC 2018
- Install Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.4
- Install .NET Core SDK 2.1.300 (includes .NET Core 2.1 Runtime) from https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/download-archives/2.1.0-download.md
- Install the latest ReSharper / Rider version 2018.1.3
To actually solve something (for example, get a trace for the model assembly) you can run tests in SolveAllTest.cs
. You can also build and run the houston-runner
project but be warned that it does not output the traces to the disk but posts them to an Elastic instance (as specified by elasticUrl
) which would be unavailable to you.
You can find the code for our strategies in the lib
project. As you can see in the lib/Strategies
folder we're got pretty lots of them. Let me describe a few I can name just now:
- for assembling: a simple one-volxel-by-one-from-bottom-to-top assembler, a greedy assembler which tries to build the nearest to the bot unbuilt part of the model, a slicer assembler which makes bots to build horizontal slices of the model going bottom to top
- for disassembling: a simple one-volxel-by-one disassembler, an invertor disassembler which takes an assembly trace and reverses it, a disassembler which builds cuboids 3-voxel-thick walls around parts of the model, GVoid-s everything inside those cuboids and then GVoid-s the walls
- for reassembling: our reassemblers are basically the combinations of our assemblers and disassemblers
We saved run results for every version of every algorithm (or combination of algorithms) to an Elastic index. You can install an Elastic node and try our solutions with provided backup:
https://yadi.sk/d/80lSmtDh3ZWyD9 (instructions inside).