Laravel + CoreUI + Vue Boilerplate
- Laravel 5.8, A PHP framework for web artisans
- Core UI for Vue, Free Bootstrap Admin Template
- Usefull library: Axios, jQuery, Moment.js, Lodash
- Vue Router and Vuex, set out of the box
- PWA ready, powered by Offline-plugin and Workbox
- Notification using Vue-SweatAlert2 and Vue-Notification
- Loading spinner with Vue Loading Spinner
- Quick deployment with Docker Compose
- Laravel Page Speed, Simple package to minify HTML output on demand which results in a 35%+ optimization
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Node >= 8.9.4
- NPM >= 5.6.0
- Create project using composer
composer create-project --prefer-dist adenvt/laravel-coreui-vue project_name
cd project_name
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Add write permission (Unix)
chmod -R go+w storage bootstrap/cache
- Compile Static Asset
## for Development
npm run dev
## for Production
npm run prod
## for Development with HMR (Hot Module Replacement)
npm run hot
- Clone this repo
git clone --depth=1 project_name
cd project_name
rm -r .git
- Install Dependencies
composer install
npm install
- Step 3 - 4 same as above
- Create and start Container
docker-compose up -d dev
- Enter workspace
docker-compose exec dev bash
- Install Depencies
composer install
npm install
- Compile Static Asset
## Single run compile
npm run dev
## or watch and compile every change
npm run watch
## or using Hot Module Replacement
npm run hot
- Open browser, goto http://localhost:8888
- Create and start Container
docker-compose up -d prod
- Open browser, goto http://localhost:88
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details