##DreamCheeky USB webmail notifier Python script
Python script to power the Dreamcheeky USB webmail notifier gadget which is shipped with windows only software.
Requires PyUSB:
Note: Requires pyusb 1.0. Ubuntu/Debian package installs pyusb 0.4.
Monitor an IMAP mailbox, new email flashes blue.
Usage: dreamcheeky_notifier.py [options]
-h, --help - show this help message and exit
--imap-host=IMAP_HOST - IMAP server host (default is imap.gmail.com)
--imap-port=IMAP_PORT - IMAP port (default is 993)
--imap-ssl - Use secure imap connection
--imap-username=IMAP_USERNAME - IMAP username
--imap-password=IMAP_PASSWORD - IMAP password
--poll-delay-secs=POLL_DELAY_SECS - Interval in seconds between server checks (default is 30)
Use this to manage rate limits. (default is 3)
--debug - Debug mode
NOTE: if a password is omitted from the command line it will be prompted for.
NOTE: should be run as root unless the necessary udev rules are set.