Flutter Nightly Build #1
18 warnings
Install vcpkg dependencies
vcpkg_replace_string made no changes.
Install vcpkg dependencies
vcpkg_replace_string made no changes.
Install vcpkg dependencies
vcpkg_replace_string made no changes.
Install vcpkg dependencies
vcpkg_replace_string made no changes.
Install vcpkg dependencies
vcpkg_replace_string made no changes.
Install vcpkg dependencies
vcpkg_replace_string made no changes.
Install vcpkg dependencies:
Use MSVC to compile libyuv results in a very slow library.
Build msi:
ICE60: The file fil2_2NF5rmNp0aPLiaxxX.hZTmkuw is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE60: The file filLA1vVrSmms4.tGdgqKCKMlXs6wc is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE60: The file filQfdH66C1nQuI5MklEmiYUYYEhuM is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE60: The file filVwxSnigzVBefvgM__hST_5dhuII is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE60: The file filgw5xutoUY5octjQaC8Mv7bE0b9E is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE60: The file filhJmjtF7_UiVQ3n2QypTb3TZAUkA is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE61: This product should remove only older versions of itself. The Maximum version is not less than the current product. ( [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi:
ICE84: Action 'InstallValidate' found in InstallExecuteSequence table is a required action with a condition. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi
ICE60: The file fil2_2NF5rmNp0aPLiaxxX.hZTmkuw is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Build msi
ICE60: The file filLA1vVrSmms4.tGdgqKCKMlXs6wc is not a Font, and its version is not a companion file reference. It should have a language specified in the Language column. [D:\a\rustdesk\rustdesk\res\msi\Package\Package.wixproj]
Run Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
Cache not found for keys: windows-2022-build-for-windows-flutter-Windows_NT-18bf3ee8-70cb8387, windows-2022-build-for-windows-flutter-Windows_NT-18bf3ee8