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Tomasz Magulski edited this page May 17, 2016 · 3 revisions

Attributes of Backbone model that is responsible for state of engine instance:

  • state -> "CAMPAIGN", "PLANTING", "VIEWER" - state of instance,
  • lat -> Number - latitude used in Google Maps,
  • lng -> Number - longitude used in Google Maps,
  • zoom -> Number - zoom used in Google Maps (the same attribute is used in map and StreetView mode),
  • heading -> Number or Undefined - rotation angle around the camera locus in degrees relative from true north in StreetView mode,
  • pitch -> Number or Undefined - angle variance "up" or "down" from the camera's initial default pitch in SteetView mode,
  • googleMapsState -> "MAP" or "PANO" - state of Google Maps instance,

Rest will be defined in future.

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