- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with InfluxDB
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Installs, configures and manages the the InfluxDB time-series platform.
Default configuration
manages GPG key, repository (default: manage_repo = true )
- default: repo_location = https://repos.influxdata.com/ and repo_type = 'stable'
manages package
manages directories and configuration files (referring to templates)
- Debian:
- CentOs:
starts service "influxdb" immediately (default:
manage_service = true
For an extensive list of requirements, see metadata.json
The module comes along with several configuration files, which you can find in
. Change configuration settings using according hashes or hiera.
- adds empty filesystemd.service.erb
Please refer to InfluxData documentation for the defaults used.
Some of the parameter in influxdb.conf are obligatory. These defaults are merged with provided hashes.
topic | parameter | default value |
meta | dir | /var/lib/influxdb/meta * |
data | dir | /var/lib/influxdb/meta * |
data | wal-dir | /var/lib/influxdb/wal * |
data | series-id-set-cache-size | 100 |
* the directories are created
Hash values and paramter https-enabled / $https_enabled and auth-enabled / $auth_enabled are as well used in influxdb.conf as in the defines database, user and grants.
- when influxdb shall handle GPG keys and repository
class { 'influxdb':
manage_repo => true,
- when one of the other influxdata modules already handles GPG keys and repository
class { 'influxdb':
manage_repo => false,
influxdb::database {'telegraf1':
ensure => present,
https_enabled => false,
auth_enabled => true,
admin => 'admin',
admin_password => 'foo',
passwd => 'metricsmetricsmetrics',
https_enabled => false,
auth_enabled => true,
admin => 'admin',
admin_password => 'foo',
grant => 'WRITE',
database => 'telegraf1',
https_enabled => false,
auth_enabled => true,
admin => 'admin',
admin_password => 'foo',
Retention policies may not work with a version lower than InfluxDB v1.8
ensure => 'create',
database => 'telegraf1',
duration => '7h30m',
replication => 1,
default => 'DEFAULT',
shard_duration => '3h59m',
https_enabled => false,
auth_enabled => true,
admin => 'admin',
admin_password => 'foo',
ensure => 'create',
database => 'telegraf1',
duration => '5h20m',
replication => 1,
default => '',
shard_duration => '0h5m',
https_enabled => false,
auth_enabled => true,
admin => 'admin',
admin_password => 'foo',
Please see document REFERENCE.md
- Tests had been executed on:
- CentOS 7.8
- Debian 10.4
- Ubuntu 18.04
For an extensive list of supported operating systems, see metadata.json
- pdk-version 1.18.0
- template-url pdk-default 1.18.0
- template-ref tags/1.18.0-0-g095317c
- module: kogitoapp-influxdb
- version: 0.1.0
- author: Kogito UG [email protected]
- summary: Module for configuring InfluxDB
- license: Apache-2.0
- source: https://github.com/kogitoapp/puppet-influxdb