x64 Intel Instruction Assembler and DisAssembler written in Python 3. See Online GCC version as a refrence. The operators this tool can assemble/disassemble are limited to
- Binary Operators:
, andcmp
- Unary Operators:
You need to have python3 installed in order to use this tool.
To assemble file foo.asm
just use
python3 hAssembler.py foo.asm
If you want the get raw bytes use --raw
python3 hAssembler.py foo.asm --raw
To compare this python assembler with this Online Assembler use
python3 tester.py foo.asm
where foo.asm
is test cases file. If no file is specified, i. e.,
python3 tester.py
it will generate a complete set of tests and compare this python code with the online refrence for all tests. If you want to see the generated tests, use
python3 testGen.py {id}
where {id}
is a number in range(22)
, specifying the test-case id. Once you executed the command, the result is available in testGened.asm
file. For generating all test-cases at once, use
python3 testGen.py
without specifying any test-case id.
To compare this DisAssembler with the online version you will need a binary file, you may assemble an assembly text file i.e., foo.asm
into it's equivalent binary machine code foo.bin
using this command
python3 disTestGen.py foo.asm
This command uses our Assembler as a core to assemble the assembly file. Once you had the .bin
file prepared, use
python3 disTester.py foo.bin
This command first disassembles and then assembles the result of DisAssembler and compare the machine codes. For testing all test cases similar to what tester.py
does for the Assembler use
python3 disTester.py
without specifying any file name.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details