Pi day 2023 project using Python
Output digits of Pi as phrases of a musical composition.
This assumes a bash shell on Fedora 37.
Install the system dependencies: sudo dnf install fluidsynth lilypond pipx
Install the python dependencies: ./create.venv
You can listen to the output with these links:
- notes_with_pi_in_a_minor.mp3 - don't expect too much - pi is randomly irrational after all
- power_chords_with_pi.mp3 - appropriate for such an irrational number ;)
python -m play_pi play --strategy klmcw --repeat random --tempo 60 2>/dev/null
Using preset Piano Merlin for grand piano
Using preset Strings SP1 for strings
Phrase 1 - repeated 3 times
C4 A3 D4 A3 E4
Phrase 2 - repeated 4 times
B4 B3 F4
Phrase 3 - repeated 2 times
E4 C4 E4 A4
Phrase 4 - repeated 2 times
B4 G4 B4
Phrase 5 - repeated 3 times
C4 B3 C4 A4
Phrase 6 - repeated 3 times
D4 F4 B3 F4 D4
Phrase 7 - repeated 3 times
C4 C4 A4 C4
Phrase 8 - repeated 3 times
B3 G4 B4 E4 C5 B3 A4 A4
Phrase 9 - repeated 2 times
D4 A3 B4
Phrase 10 - repeated 2 times
G4 A3 F4 B4
Phrase 11 - repeated 3 times
C4 B4 B4 C4 G4 E4 A3 C5 E4 A4 B3 C5 B4 G4 D4 B4 D4 D4 E4 B4 B3
Phrase 12 - repeated 2 times
C4 C5 G4 A4 A3 F4
The inspiration for this project was taken partially from Vi Hart - Pi Day 3/14 1:59AM - Spring Ahead.
I was especially intrigued by her usage of segments of the digits of PI as repeating, arpeggiatic phrases of the piece.
I was also inspired by Marc Evanstein's work - The Making of the Rhythm of the Primes through which I was introduced to ...
The SCAMP library.