For each digit of pi, display using a turtle as colored line segments mapped from a pallette.
- Change pen color to pallete entry associated with pi digit
- Move turtle forward pi digit # of units
- Turn turtle left (pi digit + 1) * 36 degrees
$ ./create_env
$ python -m display_pi --help
Usage: display_pi [--palette COLORS] [--num-digits N] [--width W] [--height H] [--help] [--version]
--palette COLORS where COLORS is a comma separated list of color names representing digits 0-9 [default: black,crimson,red,orange,yellow,green,lightblue,blue,violet,purple]
--num-digits N the number of digits of PI to display [default: 100_000]
--width W the width of the display [default: 900]
--height H the height of the display [default: 900]
--help display this help text and exit
--version display version and exit
$ python -m display_pi --version
$ python -m display_pi