The easiest way to get started using Cloudinary in Appcelerator Titanium apps to upload, transform, and remove stored images via the Cloudinary API! Obviously you must signup for a Cloudinary account (no worries, they have a free plan). So once you have your Cloudinary API credentials, replace the dummy credentials with yours in Ti.Cloudinary.js
var cloudName = 'Your_Cloud_Name';
var apiKey = 999999999999;
var apiSecret = 'XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XX';
Great, now that you're all begin using it, simply save or copy the TiCloudinary.js code I've provided here to your project's lib
folder and then require it as a commonJS module in your project where you want to use it.
var TiCloudinary = require('/lib/TiCloudinary');
From here, you can upload images and start transforming them right away. The uploadAndTransform
function takes 3 arguments: blob
- the TiBlob object of the image to be uploaded/transformed, transformParams
- a list of supported query string parameters for performing transforms on the image uploaded (read more on supported parameters at, and callback
- the callback function called with an argument object containing the response public_id
and transform url to call the Cloudinary API with to perform the transformation. An example call would look like this:
var transformSuccess = function(transformObj) {'transformObj', JSON.stringify(transformObj)); // resulting in the url to call to perform a 134px x 134px, centered-by-face, circle-cropped PNG
var transformObj = TiCloudinary.uploadAndTransform(myBlob, 'w_134,h_134,c_fill,g_face,r_max', transformSuccess);
And lastly, when images no longer needed to be stored in Cloudinary, simply destroy them by calling the deleteImage
function while passing it the public_id
of the image you want to delete. An example call would look like this: