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Shopsailors is an open source content manager system, specially focussed
on online stores.

It is licensed under the french GNU/GPL equivalent license CeCILL.

To run, it needs :
- php 5.3 with 
    - gd
    - mcrypt
    - mod_rewrite
- mysql 5
- htaccess support

Its properties are :
- No other sofware than Firefox needed for the administration
- Really simple to use and manage
- Supports easily built extensions
- Supports really easily integrated templates. The websites are completely skinable
- Every template support the generation of 180 variations of colors
- Multi site (a single installation may run any number of website)
- Multi languages
- No back office (the administration is made right from the website)
- Images menu generator
- xml -> html renderer
- free content pages editor
- free content pages lists editor
- complete shop pages with
    - unlimited number and deepness for the categories
    - unlimited number for the products
    - different versions for the products
    - payment modes
    - shipment modes
- newsletter generator system (design and sending)
- many improvements for tinymce (plugin)
- and many more...

It uses the following libraries : 
- Prototype (licence MIT)
- Scriptaculous (license in the source folder, in the javascript class)
- Plugin AdvImageScale for TinyMCE (GNU LGPL)
- PHPMailer (GNU LGPL V2)
- Captcha Visuelle, by Kankrelune, with his autorisation
- CrossFade (license in the source folder, in the diaporama class)
- FastInit (license in the source folder, in the diaporama class)


PHP online store manager V1.1






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