This project allows you to create a panoramic view by selecting a corresponding point. Using this correspondences, warp the src img by backward warping and this allows you to make panoramic img using stitch function.
functions: get_coord
get_homography(src, dst),
ransac(src_points, dst_points, iteration, threshold)
warp(image, H, target_w, target_h),
stitch(src_img, dst_img)
functions: stitch_all()
get_coord(ssrc_img, ddst_img): This function allows you to choose correspondences between two images
ssrc_img: np.ndarray with shape (src_h,src_w,c)
ddst_img: np.ndarray with shape (dst_h,dst_w,c)
src_points: np.ndarray with shape (num_points,2), 2=> xy(or wh) axis
dst_points: np.ndarray with shape (num_points,2), 2=> xy(or wh) axis
(i)th correspondence: src_points[i] <-> dst_points[i]
[Usage guideline]
- Two windows (left for src image and right for dst image) are created
1) Click a point at src image and press enter
2) Click the corresponding point at dst image and press enter
- One point correspondence is registered
3) Repeat multiple times as you want
4) After indicating multiple point correspondences,
press enter twice in a row (started by src image) to exit
get_homography(src_points, dst_points): Input of this function can be generated by get_coord function. The output is homography matrix between src_img and dst_img by your own correspondences
src_points: np.ndarray with shape (num_points,2), 2=> xy(or wh) axis
dst_points: np.ndarray with shape (num_points,2), 2=> xy(or wh) axis
(i)th correspondence: src_points[i] <-> dst_points[i]
H: Homography matrix with shape (3,3)
H[2,2] = 1
Ransac(src_points, dst_points, iteration, threshold) :This function allows you to find the best homography among all possibles. The best homography implies that this H has the biggest number of inliers
src_points: np.ndarray with shape (num_points,2), 2=> xy(or wh) axis
dst_points: np.ndarray with shape (num_points,2), 2=> xy(or wh) axis
(i)th correspondence: src_points[i] <-> dst_points[i]
iteration : the number of iterations to find best homography
threshold : If the error ( input dst_points and calculated dst_points using homography) is less than threshold, then this point becomes inlier.
H: Best Homography matrix with shape(3,3) , H[2,2] = 1
warp(image, H, target_w, target_h): Warp src_img (using homography matrix H) to the target plane with a window size=(target_h,target_w)
src_img: np.ndarray with shape (src_h,src_w,c)
H: np.ndarray with shape (3,3)
target_h: int
target_w: int
Warped src image
np.ndarray with shape (target_h,target_w,c)
stitch(src_img, dst_img):
1)Manually indicate corresponding points
2) Find src_img -> dst_img homography matrix
3) Warp src_img and stitch with dst_img
src_img: np.ndarray with shape (src_h,src_w,c)
dst_img: np.ndarray with shape (dst_h,dst_w,c)
src,dst stitched image. np.ndarray with shape (target_h,target_w,c)
get_homography() or ransac() function should be used for computing homography
warp() function should be used for warping an image
#stitched boudary