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Script to convert Japanese Speech streamed over a microphone to English Text

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Prototype for Speech-to-Translated-Text (STTT)

Speech Translation Prototype using python, Google Speech Recognition API and Google Translation API


Since I am only still an N5 level Japanese speaker, it is difficult to understand what goes on during meetings in the Japanese company I work for. So I thought I would use my free time to build a Japanese Speech to English Text script which would help me catch phrases I don’t understand at my current language proficiency. And of course, not only is machine translation an interesting field, I thrive on using company resources for the greater good. Lol (or Japanese: WW)


Using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • google-cloud-translate==2.0.0
  • google-cloud-speech==1.3.1
  • pyaudio==0.2.11
  • six==1.13.0

If a problem with pyaudio installation exists, try installing manually

brew update
brew install portaudio
brew link --overwrite portaudio
pip install pyaudio
pip install --global-option='build_ext' --global-option='-I/usr/local/include' --global-option='-L/usr/local/lib' pyaudio

The script also requires that you have set up gcloud and have created and activated a service account: Setup Instructions


  1. Set the environment variable $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the JSON file that contains your service account key
  1. Make directory for storing recordings in the project directory
cd prototype/speech/
mkdir recordings
  1. Run STTT using:


Microphone streaming

Class ResumableMicrophoneStream defines the stream object to collect audio using python's pyaudio library, which provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library.

  • The _audio_interface variable is initialized with a pyaudio.PyAudio class object which sets up the portaudio system.
  • A stream is setup on the default recording device using the open() method with stream_callback set to asynchronously fill a local buffer object of the Queue library using _fill_buffer method which passes the pyaudio.paContinue flag for continuous capture. This is necessary so that the input device's buffer doesn't overflow while the calling thread makes requests.
  • Other parameters initializing the stream object are a sampling_rate of 16kHz and a frames_per_buffer of 1600
  • The generator method is used to stream audio from microphone to APIs and to the local buffer:
    • In case the audio is from a new request, calculate amount of unfinalized audio from last request and resend the audio to the speech client before incoming audio for continuation in speech
    • STREAMING_LIMIT determines the amount of unfinalized audio to be included in the new request
    • Get at least one new chunk from the buffer using Queue.get(block=True) or exit loop if there are no new chunks
    • Get all the other new chunks using Queue.get(block=False), which gets data if immediately available or raises queue.Empty exception
    • Return generated data for the current processing iteration
  • During run, audio_input class variable contains audio input for current processing step and last_audio_input contains the previous request audio used for continuation in transcription
  • While exiting the program, the __exit__() method of the class is invoked to stop pyaudio processes using stop_stream() and clear out the input device buffer using close() and finally terminate PortAudio using terminate()
  • The local buffer object is also set to None while exiting


Python's wave library is used to store the audio data from last_audio_input into separate files numbered by the current stream counter, with the same sampling rate and sampling width defined for the pyaudio recording stream. pyaudio.paInt16 or 16-bit sampling format is used.

Google Speech-to-Text API

from import speech_v1 as speech

The Google Speech-to-Text API requires the user to instantiate a SpeechClient() object which authenticates the service account access to the API using the credential JSON file downloaded during setup. $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS needs to be set to the file's path.

The RecognitionConfig and the StreamingRecognitionConfig class are configured for parameters:

  • encoding = speech.enums.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16
  • sample_rate_hertz = SAMPLE_RATE (16000)
  • language_code='ja-JP' (source language - no detection)
  • model='default' (model for long-form audio or dictation) (source)
  • max_alternatives = 1 (Only the most confident transcription used)
  • interim_results = True (Get not is_final transcriptions as well)

StreamingRecognizeRequest class is used to create messages requesting the audio data to be recognized

streaming_recognize(config,requests) method in the client object returns StreamingRecognizeResponse messages for the requests wrt the above streaming configuration:


Interim Result:
results { alternatives { transcript: " that is" } stability: 0.9 } results { alternatives { transcript: " the question" } stability: 0.01 }

Final Result:
results { alternatives { transcript: " that is the question" confidence: 0.98 } alternatives { transcript: " that was the question" } is_final: true }

For streaming, the first alternative is taken from the first result of every response as transcript since the results list is consecutive and we only care about the first result being considered. (source)

Since interim_results=True, we print only the last result for each stream

Google Text Translation API

from import translate_v2 as translate

The Google Translation API is free, and does not require a service account access for using the API.

The translate client object is instantiated with the target_language as en (English)

Translated text is obtained by calling the translate() method on the transcript with the source_language parameter being set to ja (Japanese), which returns a structure containing an input and a translatedText variable


Script to convert Japanese Speech streamed over a microphone to English Text






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