To create a lambda expression, we specify input parameters (if there are any) on the left side of the lambda operator ->, and place the expression or block of statements on the right side of lambda operator. For example, the lambda expression (x, y) -> x + y specifies that lambda expression takes two arguments x and y and returns the sum of these.
Method reference is a shorthand notation of a lambda expression to call a method. For example: If your lambda expression is like this:
str -> System.out.println(str)
then you can replace it with a method reference like this:
The :: operator is used in method reference to separate the class or object from the method name.
An interface with only single abstract method is called functional interface.
You can either use the predefined functional interface provided by Java or create your own functional interface and use it.
Prior to java 8, interface in java can only have abstract methods. All the methods of interfaces are public & abstract by default.
Java 8 allows the interfaces to have default and static methods.
The reason we have default methods in interfaces is to allow the developers to add new methods to the interfaces without affecting the classes that implements these interfaces.
Stream API is another new feature of java 8. All the classes and interfaces of this API is in the package.
By using streams we can perform various aggregate operations on the data returned from collections, arrays, Input/Output operations.
The filter() is an intermediate operation that reads the data from a stream and returns a new stream after transforming the data based on the given condition.
Java 8 introduced forEach method to iterate over collections and Streams in Java. In this guide, we will learn how to use forEach() and forEachOrdered() methods to loop a particular collection and stream.
Collectors is a final class that extends the Object class.
Here, we will see the examples of Java Stream collectors class using lambda expressions, Java Streams and other new features of Java 8.
In java 8, a new class StringJoiner is introduced in the java.util package.
Using this class we can join more than one strings with the specified delimiter, we can also provide prefix and suffix to the final string while joining multiple strings.
Optional class was newly introduced in java 8 inside java.util package.
This class is introduced to avoid NullPointerException that we frequently encounters if we do not perform null checks in our code.
Using this class we can easily check whether a variable has null value or not and by doing this we can avoid the NullPointerException.
Java 8 introduced a new method parallelSort() in the Arrays class of java.util package.
This method is introduced to support the parallel sorting of array elements.