by Kir-Dev
A Schönherz Kollégium konditermének weboldala és adminisztrációs rendszere.
- Ha hibát találsz, kérlek nyiss egy issue-t!
- Ha részt akarsz venni a fejlesztésben, vedd fel a kapcsolatot velünk és nyiss egy pull requestet!
- Node.js 20
- Yarn 4.5.1
You only need to install dependencies in the root directory.
yarn install
It is a must to use ESLint and Prettier in this project.
Set up ESLint and Prettier in your IDE and check fix on save
or format on save
You can run the following commands to check linting and formatting issues.
yarn lint
# or
yarn lint:fix
yarn format:check
# or
yarn format
You can run the backend and frontend separately.
yarn start:backend # Starts on http://localhost:3001
yarn start:frontend # Starts on http://localhost:3000
You can build the frontend and run the application.
yarn build:frontend
Or build the backend.
yarn build:backend
There are recommended GitHub Actions workflows for this setup, which will fail if one of the following commands fails:
yarn lint
yarn format:check
yarn build:backend