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Swiftly manage and structure your SwiftUI application state with the Redux design pattern.


Redux SwiftUI Library is a robust framework designed to help developers manage app-wide state more predictably. By leveraging a single source of truth and a unidirectional flow of data, this library promotes more maintainable, debuggable, and scalable SwiftUI apps.

ReduxUI Flow


  • Single Source of Truth: All of your app's state is stored in a single store, making debugging and state observation easier.
  • Type Safety: Built with Swift's type system in mind, ensuring errors are caught at compile-time.
  • Middleware Support: Enhance your store with custom middleware to handle side effects or introduce advanced logging and debugging tools.
  • Thunks: Asynchronous actions are simplified with the use of thunks.
  • Observable Store: Seamless integration with SwiftUI by making the store an observable object.

Getting Started


ReduxUI can be installed using Swift Package Manager.

  1. Open Your Project in Xcode: Start by opening your Swift project in Xcode.
  2. Add Package Dependency:
    • Go to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency.
    • Paste the URL of the ReduxUI GitHub repository:
  3. Specify the Version: Choose the version of the ReduxUI package you want to add. You can specify a version number, a branch, or a commit.
  4. Add to Your Target: After Xcode loads the package and its dependencies, select the ReduxUI library, and add it to your project’s target(s).

Basic Usage

  1. Define your App States:
// Main State of your App, containing all other States
struct AppState: StateType {
    var userState: UserState = UserState()

struct UserState: StateType {
    var name: String
  1. Set up your Actions:
struct UpdateUserName: Action {
    let name: String
  1. Create the Reducers:
// Main Reducer handling Actions, updating the AppState accordingly
func appReducer(action: Action, state: AppState?) -> AppState {
    let state = state ?? AppState()
    return AppState(userState: userReducer(action: action, state: state.userState))

func userReducer(action: Action, state: UserState?) -> UserState {
    var state = state ?? UserState()
    switch action {
    case let action as UpdateUserName: =
    default: break
    return state
  1. Create a Store:
let store = Store<AppState>(state: AppState(), reducer: appReducer)
  1. Use within SwiftUI:
@EnvironmentObject private var store: Store<AppState>
  1. Dispatch Actions to modify the State:
store.dispatch(UpdateUserName(name: "Kim"))

Advanced Usage

  • Middleware: Extend your store with custom functionalities.
  • Thunks: Dispatch async actions and handle complex operations.


  • The TestReduxUI Repository provides a simple Counter App made with the ReduxUI library.
  • The WalkApp Repository highlights a more complex Step Counting App relying heavily on the ReduxUI library.