####Overview A series of extensions and additions to the Impact javascript engine
The core goal of this project is to expand ImpactJS to make it easier and faster to start developing full featured games. ImpactJS is a great engine, but it is fairly minimal to start, and our hope is that Impact++ will save you a few months of dev time!
Impact++ is also partly a product of work on the game Mimic (which may or may not be released as of you reading this), which you can see in action here!
- Extended capability of ImpactJS's default classes to improve collisions, animations,...
data driven configuration to allow you to change parameters without rebuilding or modifying the libraryig.GameExtended
game with layers, easy pausing, improved debugger,...ig.EntityExtended
entities with lots of extra helper functions, opt-in performance, inheritance friendly animations,...ig.InputPoint
input with multi-touch and gestures that works the same for mouse or touchig.Camera
camera for screen control, smooth target transitions, atmospheric overlays,...ig.UIElement
a whole list of ui element entities to make text, buttons, overlays,...ig.Ability
abilities that are entirely modular, have a built in casting system, upgrades,...ig.EntityLight
lighting in real-time with shadows, dynamic alpha and/or color,...ig.Character
abstract character class with options for moving, jumping, climbing,...ig.Player
abstract player class with built in interaction and input handling,...ig.Tutorial
abstract tutorial class to help you show your players how to do thingsig.Spawner
abstract spawner class with pooling for better performanceig.Particle
abstract particle class with fading in and/or out, random velocities,...ig.EntityTrigger
easy to use set of triggers for complex event driven behaviorig.EntityCheckpoint
checkpoint for automatic player respawning on deathig.utils
huge list of utility functions for vectors, drawing, intersections, math, tiles,...- and too much more to reasonably list here!
##How to Use
- Download using one of the below links and extract the files.
- Copy the impactplusplus/lib/plusplus folder into your new or existing ImpactJS project lib directory.
- Either copy the impactplusplus/lib/weltmeister/config.js into your projet's lib/weltmeister directory...
- Or, if you have a custom Weltmeister config:
- add
to theentityFiles
setting - change the
setting to'lib/weltmeister/collisiontiles_plusplus_64.png'
- add
- Make sure you're comfortable with the ImpactJS Documentation
- Dive into the Impact++ Documentation
##Getting Started // starting with Impact++ is simple! // setup a main game file, such as 'game/main.js' // that you load right after ImpactJS // and inside this file... // setup the main module ig.module( 'game.main' ) // now require the appropriate files .requires( 'plusplus.core.config', 'plusplus.core.loader', 'plusplus.core.game', // don't forget to load your levels 'path.to.area1', 'path.to.area2', 'path.to.areaEtc' ) // define the main module .defines(function () { "use strict";
var _c = ig.CONFIG;
// we probably want to go ahead and debug while developing
if (_c.DEBUG) {
.defines(function () {
// and don't forget to turn off debugging
// in the config when releasing your game!
else {
function start() {
// have your game class extend Impact++'s game class
var game = ig.GameExtended.extend({
// override the game init function
init: function () {
// so we can load the first level
// which of course you didn't forget to require above
// now lets boot up impact with
// our game and config settings
// and resize to make sure everything looks fine
ig.global.innerWidth * _c.CANVAS_WIDTH_PCT * ( 1 / _c.SCALE ),
ig.global.innerHeight * _c.CANVAS_HEIGHT_PCT * ( 1 / _c.SCALE ),
####Ejecta, Cocoonjs, etc? Impact++ has been built from day one to be portable / wrappable to iOS, Android, Win8, etc. Tests are ongoing, but the library does nothing that should need special handling when porting or wrapping your game code for distribution as a mobile app. Please let us know if you find any issues!
####Custom Settings // edit the user config file at 'plusplus/config-user.js' // then you can set values // for any of the properties that appear in ig.CONFIG // and they will automatically be merged // over the base settings ig.CONFIG_USER = { // for example, one thing you'll probably want to set right away // is your own logo (in base64) for the loader LOADER_LOGO_SRC_MAIN: 'data:image/png;base64,...' };
####Design Philosophy
- Modularity - code should be reusable whenever possible
- Parametrize - projects should be able to change settings without modifying the library
- Be agnostic - do not rely on device or browser specific functionality
- Consistency - the codebase should look like a cohesive whole
- Document - the codebase should be reasonably documented
####Contributing We'd love it if you want to help make Impact++ better, so if you're interested take a look at CONTRIBUTING.
####License Impact++ is licensed under the MIT license. For full license and information, see LICENSE,