비디오 플레이어 기반 서버->클라이언트 네트워크 패킷 송수신 시스템
Server to Client Networking System Based on Video Player
- Send string data to VRChat instance in real time.
- (BETA) Request specific data from the server with the promised EndPoint.(BETA)
Unity 2019.4
- Please download it here -> Release
- Import it into your Unity Project
- Place the "Toggle" prefab
npm install prism-vrc
yarn add prism-vrc
public class GetDataWithEvent : UdonSharpBehaviour
public void Prism_Data = ""; // Variable that is received when an event occurs and updated with processed data.
public void OnPrismReady() { return; } //Occurs when the prism system is ready.
public void OnPrismStart() { return; } //Occurs when the Prism system receives data.
public void OnPrismFrameChange() { return; } //Occurs when the prismatic system starts reading the next frame of the data.
public void OnPrismFrameReadEnd() { return; } //Occurs when the Prism system has read all the current frames.
public void OnPrismReadEnd() { return; } //Occurs when the Prism system reads all received data.
public void OnPrismException() //Occurs when the Prism system reads all received data.
Debug.LogError(Prism_Data); // When an exception occurs, the Prism_Data variable is updated with an exception message.
using Prism;
public class GetData : UdonSharpBehaviour
public DataReader DataReader;
public override void Interact()
import Prism from "prism-vrc";
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'video/mp4' });
res.end(await Prism("Hello, world!"));
- Prism 이벤트를 사용할 스크립트는 모두 해당 리스트에 등록해 주세요
- All scripts to use Prism Event must be registered in the appropriate list
- 🎲 Client Dev
- 🏗 UI Design
- 📓 Project Manage
- 🖧 Networking
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- 🎲 Server Dev
- 🖧 Networking
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MIT License