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- 点击 导入,然后点击 导入 URL
- 粘贴 https://github.com/mworkfun/pxt-k-bit 并点击导入
此图像显示主分支中最后一次提交的块代码。 此图像可能需要几分钟才能刷新。
- for PXT/microbit
IR receiver uses P16
buzzer uses P0
Ultrasonic uses P14(Trig) and P15(Echo)
photoresistance uses P1
F5-RGB-LED is controlled by ledPin4-6 of PCA9685
WS2812 RGB-LED uses P8
left Obstacle avoidance sensor uses P2
right Obstacle avoidance sensor uses P11
left check line sensor uses P12
right check line sensor uses P13
left motor is controlled by PCA9685 ledPin0(direction) and ledPin1(speed).
right motor is controlled by PCA9685 ledPin2(direction) and ledPin3(speed).