Text-Runner is a test framework for technical documentation. It helps keep documentation up to date. An example is the text you are reading right now. TextRunner verifies it for technical correctness.
As a fully programmable test framework, TextRunner can read and understand any form of Markdown-formatted text in any human language as well as complex data in tables, bullet point lists, and even images!
This monorepo contains a number of Text-Runner plugins that provide more domain-specific functionality. You can think of these plugins as the "standard library" of Text-Runner.
- repo: verify source code files
- workspace: modify/verify workspace files
- shell: run executables in a subshell
- javascript: run/verify embedded JavaScript code
- make: verify Makefile targets
- npm: verify the documentation of npm modules
- action: verify the documentation of Text-Runner plugins
This mono-repository contains the source code for the Text-Runner engine, tooling, and some plugins containing popular actions.
- developers guide
- text-runner-engine: the Text-Runner runtime
- text-runner-cli: runs Text-Runner on the command line
- text-runner-features: end-to-end tests for engine and CLI
- shared test code