Products and Customers is a simple web application that manages the products a vendor or distributor has under use by customers, and also manages the customers using those products
This is a Maven/Spring Boot project with default WAR settings
Spring Boot will populate your MySQL file. Just create the file and if different, change in the file
Vendors/distributors can track their customers by product, and product by customers.
To start, in the Product side, add the various products that are in use. Fields are:
- Name
- Model
- List Price
- Description
Next, on the Customer side, add the various customers. Fields are:
- Name (Corporate)
- Contact Name
- Contact Email
- Location
Next, the relationship between customers and products can be populated on either side. This shows which customers hava a product and which products are in use by a customer. These fields are:
- Purchase Date
- Serial Number Note: this means that adding or deleting a product to/from a customer also means that customer was added or deleted to/from that product
Note: all use content-type: application/json & Media-type: JSON
RU for Vendor...this is the entity that owns the products and the customers being tracked:
- Fetch Vendor info/get one vendor
- GET api/vendor Note: there should always only be one vendor with id-1. Table is seeded with default on startup
- Fetch all vendors
- GET api/vendors Note: there should always only be one vendor with id-1. Table is seeded with default on startup
- Fetch id of only vendor
- GET api/vendor-id
- Update Vendor info: accepts vendor object including ID which should be one, but can be confirmed as above
- PUT api/vendor
CRUD for Customers:
- Add a customer
- Post api/customers
- Fetch all customers
- GET api/customers
- Fetch all customers of product {id} showing only customers
- GET api/customers/products/{id}
- Fetch all products for customer {id}
- GET api/customers/{id}/products
- Fetch customer {id}
- GET api/customers/{id}
- Update customer {id}
- PUT api/customers/{id}
- Delete customer {id}
- DELETE api/customers/{id}
CRUD for middle/Join table of Customers-Products
- Add product {prodId} to customer {custId}, Note: also adds customer {custId} to product {prodId}
- POST /api/customers/{custId}/products/{prodId}
- OR
- POST /api/products/{prodId}/customers/{custId}
- POST /api/customers/{custId}/products/{prodId}
- Delete product {prodId} from customer {custId}
- DELETE api/customers/{custId}/products/{prodId}
- OR
- DELETE api/products/{prodId}/customers/{custId}
- DELETE api/customers/{custId}/products/{prodId}
CRUD for Products:
- Add a product
- POST api/products
- Fetch all products
- GET api/products
- Fetch all products of customer {id} showing only products
- GET api/products/customers/{id}
- Fetch all customers for product {id} with product showing
- GET api/products/{id}/customers
- Fetch product, {id}
- GET api/products/{id}
- Update product {id}
- PUT api/products/{id}
- Delete product {id}
- DELETE api/products/{id}
- Does Customer have this product/check to see if product {prodId} to customer {custId} exists
- GET api/customers/{custId}/products/{prodId}
- Fetch number of customers
- GET api/customers-customers-number-of
- Fetch list of customer IDs
- GET api/customer-ids
- Check validity of customer id; returns true or false
- GET api/customers-id/{id}
- Fetch number of products
- GET api/products-number-of
- Fetch list of product IDs
- GET api/product-ids
- Check validity of product id; returns true or false
- GET api/products-id/{id}
- Added form input flexibility
- Search, sort, or pagination to accommodate long lists