A Full stack web application that allows a user to search for distilleries in the state of Colorado based on location, flavor, type of alcohol and ratings.
Please note the ratings are NOT accurate, but created for presentation purposes.
Colorado is home to so many amazing breweries, but many people don't realize is how many spirit distilleries are in the state of Colorado. Our app aims to make it easier to find those distilleries, show what they offer, and find something that will please even the most picky drinkers.
Direct link to app: https://murmuring-temple-41281.herokuapp.com/
Front-end framework: HTML, CSS, Sass, Materialize
Back-end: NodeJS, MySQL, Sequelize, Express, Handlebars, Passport, Session and BCryptJS
Cloud Platform: Heroku JawsDB - Heroku database add-on
APIs: Built our own distilleries and alcohol information Google Maps
- Bulk up the API with more data
- Add more functionality for the user:
- Add pictures
- Rate easier
- Comments
- Add a Dashboard button, Log Out button
- Other UI stuff