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Merge/split as postprocessing step.
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kelcyno committed Jun 2, 2022
1 parent 637c5bb commit d4cbfa2
Showing 1 changed file with 345 additions and 0 deletions.
345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions tobac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
#Tobac merge and split v0.1

from geopy.distance import geodesic
from networkx import *
import numpy as np
from pandas.core.common import flatten
import xarray as xr

def compress_all(nc_grids, min_dims=2):
for var in nc_grids:
if len(nc_grids[var].dims) >= min_dims:
# print("Compressing ", var)
nc_grids[var].encoding["zlib"] = True
nc_grids[var].encoding["complevel"] = 4
nc_grids[var].encoding["contiguous"] = False
return nc_grids

def standardize_track_dataset(TrackedFeatures, Mask, Projection):
""" Combine a feature mask with the feature data table into a common dataset.
Also renames th
returned by tobac.themes.tobac_v1.segmentation
with the TrackedFeatures dataset returned by tobac.themes.tobac_v1.linking_trackpy.
Also rename the variables to be more desciptive and comply with cf-tree.
Convert the default cell parent ID to an integer table.
Add a cell dimension to reflect
Projection is an xarray DataArray
TODO: Add metadata attributes to
feature_standard_names = {
# new variable name, and long description for the NetCDF attribute
'positional index of the feature along the time dimension of the mask, from 0 to N-1'),
'position of the feature along the first horizontal dimension in grid point space; a north-south coordinate for dim order (time, y, x).'
'The numbering is consistent with positional indexing of the coordinate, but can be'
'fractional, to account for a centroid not aligned to the grid.'),
'position of the feature along the second horizontal dimension in grid point space; an east-west coordinate for dim order (time, y, x)'
'The numbering is consistent with positional indexing of the coordinate, but can be'
'fractional, to account for a centroid not aligned to the grid.'),
'Number of grid points that are within the threshold of this feature'),
"Feature number within that frame; starts at 1, increments by 1 to the number of features for each frame, and resets to 1 when the frame increments"),
"Unique number of the feature; starts from 1 and increments by 1 to the number of features"),
'time':('feature_time','time of the feature, consistent with feature_time_index'),
'timestr':('feature_time_str','String representation of the feature time, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'),
'projection_y_coordinate':('feature_projection_y_coordinate','y position of the feature in the projection given by ProjectionCoordinateSystem'),
'projection_x_coordinate':('feature_projection_x_coordinate','x position of the feature in the projection given by ProjectionCoordinateSystem'),
'lat':('feature_latitude','latitude of the feature'),
'lon':('feature_longitude','longitude of the feature'),
'ncells':('feature_ncells','number of grid cells for this feature (meaning uncertain)'),
'segmentation_mask':('2d segmentation mask',)
new_feature_var_names = {k:feature_standard_names[k][0] for k in feature_standard_names.keys()
if k in TrackedFeatures.variables.keys()}

TrackedFeatures = TrackedFeatures.drop(['cell_parent_track_id'])
# Combine Track and Mask variables. Use the 'feature' variable as the coordinate variable instead of
# the 'index' variable and call the dimension 'feature'
ds = xr.merge([TrackedFeatures.swap_dims({'index':'feature'}).drop('index').rename_vars(new_feature_var_names),

# Add the projection data back in

# Convert the cell ID variable from float to integer
if 'int' not in str(TrackedFeatures.cell.dtype):
# The raw output from the tracking is actually an object array
# array([nan, 2, 3], dtype=object)
# (and is cast to a float array when saved as NetCDF, I think).
# Cast to float.
int_cell = xr.zeros_like(TrackedFeatures.cell, dtype='int64')

cell_id_data = TrackedFeatures.cell.astype('float64')
valid_cell = np.isfinite(cell_id_data)
valid_cell_ids = cell_id_data[valid_cell]
if not (np.unique(valid_cell_ids) > 0).all():
raise AssertionError('Lowest cell ID cell is less than one, conflicting with use of zero to indicate an untracked cell')
int_cell[valid_cell] = valid_cell_ids.astype('int64')
#ds['feature_parent_cell_id'] = int_cell
return ds

def merge_split(TRACK,distance = 25000,frame_len = 5):
function to postprocess tobac track data for merge/split cells
TRACK: xarray dataset of tobac Track information
distance: float, optional distance threshold prior to adding a pair of points
into the minimum spanning tree. Default is 25000 meters.
frame_len: float, optional threshold for the spanning length within which two points
can be separated. Default is five (5) frames.
d: xarray dataset of
feature position along 1st horizontal dimension
hdim2_index: float
feature position along 2nd horizontal dimension
d = merge_split(Track)
ds = standardize_track_dataset(Track, refl_mask, data['ProjectionCoordinateSystem'])
# both_ds = xarray.combine_by_coords((ds,d), compat='override')
both_ds = xr.merge([ds, d],compat ='override')
both_ds = compress_all(both_ds)
track_groups = TRACK.groupby('cell')
cell_ids = {cid:len(v) for cid, v in track_groups.groups.items()}
id_data = np.fromiter(cell_ids.keys(), dtype=int)
count_data = np.fromiter(cell_ids.values(), dtype=int)
all_frames = np.sort(np.unique(TRACK.frame))
a_points = list()
b_points = list()
a_names = list()
b_names = list()
dist = list()

for i in id_data:
a_pointx = track_groups[i].projection_x_coordinate[-1].values
a_pointy = track_groups[i].projection_y_coordinate[-1].values
for j in id_data:
b_pointx = track_groups[j].projection_x_coordinate[0].values
b_pointy = track_groups[j].projection_y_coordinate[0].values
d = np.linalg.norm(np.array((a_pointx, a_pointy)) - np.array((b_pointx, b_pointy)))
if d <= distance:
b_points.append([b_pointx, b_pointy])

# for i in id_data:
# a_pointx = track_groups[i].grid_longitude[-1].values
# a_pointy = track_groups[i].grid_latitude[-1].values
# for j in id_data:
# b_pointx = track_groups[j].grid_longitude[0].values
# b_pointy = track_groups[j].grid_latitude[0].values
# d = geodesic((a_pointy,a_pointx),(b_pointy,b_pointx)).km
# if d <= distance:
# a_points.append([a_pointx,a_pointy])
# b_points.append([b_pointx, b_pointy])
# dist.append(d)
# a_names.append(i)
# b_names.append(j)

id = []
for i in range(len(dist)-1, -1, -1):
if a_names[i] == b_names[i]:

g = Graph()
for i in np.arange(len(dist)):
g.add_edge(a_names[i], b_names[i],weight=dist[i])

tree = minimum_spanning_edges(g)
tree_list = list(minimum_spanning_edges(g))

new_tree = []
for i,j in enumerate(tree_list):
frame_a = np.nanmax(track_groups[j[0]].frame.values)
frame_b = np.nanmin(track_groups[j[1]].frame.values)
if np.abs(frame_a - frame_b) <= frame_len:
new_tree_arr = np.array(new_tree)

TRACK['cell_parent_track_id'] = np.zeros(len(TRACK['cell'].values))
cell_id = np.unique(TRACK.cell.values.astype(float)[~np.isnan(TRACK.cell.values.astype(float))])
track_id = dict() #same size as number of total merged tracks

arr = np.array([0])
for p in cell_id:
j = np.where(arr == int(p))
if len(j[0]) > 0:
k = np.where(new_tree_arr == p)
if len(k[0]) == 0:
track_id[p] = [p]
arr = np.append(arr,p)
temp1 = list(np.unique(new_tree_arr[k[0]]))
temp = list(np.unique(new_tree_arr[k[0]]))

for l in range(15):
for i in temp1:
k2 = np.where(new_tree_arr == i)
temp = list(flatten(temp))
temp = list(np.unique(temp))

if len(temp1) == len(temp):
temp1 = np.array(temp)

for i in temp1:
k2 = np.where(new_tree_arr == i)

temp = list(flatten(temp))
temp = list(np.unique(temp))
arr = np.append(arr,np.unique(temp))

track_id[np.nanmax(np.unique(temp))] = list(np.unique(temp))

storm_id = [0] #default because we don't track larger storm systems *yet*
print('found storm id')

track_parent_storm_id = np.repeat(0, len(track_id)) #This will always be zero when we don't track larger storm systems *yet*
print('found track parent storm ids')

track_ids = np.array(list(track_id.keys()))
print('found track ids')

cell_id = list(np.unique(TRACK.cell.values.astype(float)[~np.isnan(TRACK.cell.values.astype(float))]))
print('found cell ids')

cell_parent_track_id = []

for i, id in enumerate(track_id):

if len(track_id[int(id)]) == 1:


cell_parent_track_id = list(flatten(cell_parent_track_id))
print('found cell parent track ids')

feature_parent_cell_id = list(TRACK.cell.values.astype(float))

print('found feature parent cell ids')

#This version includes all the feature regardless of if they are used in cells or not.
feature_id = list(TRACK.feature.values.astype(int))
print('found feature ids')

feature_parent_storm_id = np.repeat(0,len(feature_id)) #we don't do storms atm
print('found feature parent storm ids')

feature_parent_track_id = []
feature_parent_track_id = np.zeros(len(feature_id))
for i, id in enumerate(feature_id):
cellid = feature_parent_cell_id[i]
if np.isnan(cellid):
feature_parent_track_id[i] = -1
j = np.where(cell_id == cellid)
j = np.squeeze(j)
trackid = cell_parent_track_id[j]
feature_parent_track_id[i] = trackid

print('found feature parent track ids')

storm_child_track_count = [len(track_id)]
print('found storm child track count')

track_child_cell_count = []
for i,id in enumerate(track_id):
print('found track child cell count')

cell_child_feature_count = []
for i,id in enumerate(cell_id):
print('found cell child feature count')

storm_child_cell_count = [len(cell_id)]
storm_child_feature_count = [len(feature_id)]

storm_dim = 'nstorms'
track_dim = 'ntracks'
cell_dim = 'ncells'
feature_dim = 'nfeatures'

d = xr.Dataset({
'storm_id': (storm_dim, storm_id),
'track_id': (track_dim, track_ids),
'track_parent_storm_id': (track_dim, track_parent_storm_id),
'cell_id': (cell_dim, cell_id),
'cell_parent_track_id': (cell_dim, cell_parent_track_id),
'feature_id': (feature_dim, feature_id),
'feature_parent_cell_id': (feature_dim, feature_parent_cell_id),
'feature_parent_track_id': (feature_dim, feature_parent_track_id),
'feature_parent_storm_id': (feature_dim, feature_parent_storm_id),
'storm_child_track_count': (storm_dim, storm_child_track_count),
'storm_child_cell_count': (storm_dim, storm_child_cell_count),
'storm_child_feature_count': (storm_dim, storm_child_feature_count),
'track_child_cell_count': (track_dim, track_child_cell_count),
'cell_child_feature_count': (cell_dim, cell_child_feature_count),
d = d.set_coords(['feature_id','cell_id', 'track_id', 'storm_id'])

assert len(track_id) == len(track_parent_storm_id)
assert len(cell_id) == len(cell_parent_track_id)
assert len(feature_id) == len(feature_parent_cell_id)
assert sum(storm_child_track_count) == len(track_id)
assert sum(storm_child_cell_count) == len(cell_id)
assert sum(storm_child_feature_count) == len(feature_id)
assert sum(track_child_cell_count) == len(cell_id)
assert sum([sum(cell_child_feature_count),(len(np.where(feature_parent_track_id < 0)[0]))]) == len(feature_id)

return d

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