Releases: keeps/roda-in
2.0.0 Alpha 9
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version. This folder is on My Documents when using Windows (e.g. C:\User[username]\Documents\roda-in ) and the user's home directory if using Unix (e.g. /home/[username]/roda-in )
- Bug fixes
- Enhancements to the version check system
- UI improvements
2.0.0 Alpha 8
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Bug fixes
- Enhancements to the version check system
- UI improvements
- Added tooltips with the description of some of the components to help the users understand the application
- Added a help page with in-depth help for those components
- Added the type label after the package type is defined
2.0.0 Alpha 7.4
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Creates SIPs for the classification scheme
- Alerts on startup when a new version is released
- Added Check for Updates help menu item
2.0.0 Alpha 7.3
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Generated IDs start with "ID"
- Updated translations
- Added button to ignore top level folders
- Fixed bug where folders were being added to SIPs twice.
- Metadata text scrolls to top on view
- Adds options to create friendlier SIP names
- Exports ancestors list in METS
2.0.0 Alpha 7.2
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Fixed major bug that happened when multiple items from the classification tree were selected
- Moved the schemas to the type definitions.
2.0.0 Alpha 7.1
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
Fixes the problem with UTF-8 files with BOM being incorrectly read.
2.0.0 Alpha 7
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Bug fixing
- Implemented way to add/edit metadata files in batch when selecting multiple items of the classification plan
- Added metadata types to the "Add metadata" pane.
- Added auto-scroll to trees that needed it.
- Added a checkbox to the SIP pre-export panel which when selected exports all the SIPs
- The language change alert is now in the new language. It also restarts the application if the change is confirmed.
- Added the spanish (Chile) translation.
- Added way of setting the other type when the SIP type is "OTHER"
2.0.0 Alpha 6.2
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Bug fixing
- Fixed the log file's path
- Doesn't override the changes made to the configuration file outside the application
- Added an "Open folder" button at the end of the export process
- Added an alert when an unexpected error occurs
- Metadata options 3 and 4 can now add multiple metadata files to the SIP, if there's more than one match
2.0.0 Alpha 6.1
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Minor fixes
- Updated templates
2.0.0 Alpha 6
Since RODA-in is still in Alpha, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version.
- Bug fixing
- Extended the metadata templating system. It's possible to add options to the template tags which change the way the form is created:
- value: the predefined value of the field
- order: the order of the field
- type: the type of the field
- text - text field
- text-area - Text area. Larger than a field text.
- date - text field with a date picker
- list - list with the possible values (combo box)
- list: List with the possible values that a field can have. Usable when type="list". The format is a JSON array. Example: [option A, option B, "option C"]
- label: The label that appears to the left of the field.
- mandatory: If set to true the label is styled in bold to draw attention.
- hidden: If set to true the field is hidden
- auto-generated: Fills the value with one of the available generators. Overrides the value option:
- now - the current date in the format year/month/day
- id - generates an identifier
- title - generates a title
- level - adds the current description level
- parentid - adds the parent's id, if it exists
- language - addds the system language, based on the locale. Example: "português" or "English"
- Only the first tag should have options, i.e., if there's two tags with the same name, the options of the second are ignored. The options are not required, the form is still created with a simple tag.
- The buttons "Remove representation" and "Ignore" from the SIP data tree were merged in the button "Remove"
- Changed the terminology of "Rules" to "Associations"
- Added tooltips to the SIP types which give more information of each type.
- It's now possible to drag files and folders to the SIP data tree, be it from the file explorer of the application or the operative system's file explorer.