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Releases: keeps/roda-in

2.1.0 beta 5

06 Jul 10:59
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New features:

  • Option to skip folder on data when associating a single folder #309

Bug fixes:

  • Update to commons-ip 1.0.2 fixes issues with folder descriptive metadata on Hungarian SIP type 4
  • Some files are ignored when selected in the FileExplorer #310

2.1.0 beta 4

29 Jun 11:09
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Bug fixes:

  • NPE while creating E-ARK SIP #308
  • Create SIP progress bar shorter than window size #306


22 Jun 09:45
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  • Update portuguese translations #295
  • Enlarge package description form window #299

In the Hungarian release:

  • E-ARK package description form should be equal to the Hungarian #300
  • Preservation organization name/id is not being handled correctly #305
  • Readable EAD unitid #303
  • Define dmdSec/mdWrap/@id as UUID #302
  • Folder structure should be explicit in the METS struct map #304

NOTE: It's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version. This folder is on My Documents when using Windows (e.g. C:\Users[username]\Documents\roda-in ) and the user's home directory if using Unix (e.g. /home/[username]/roda-in )

2.1.0 Beta 2

25 May 16:58
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  • Fixed file paths generation for Hungarian SIP 4 by not doing any kind of encode (#277)
  • Maven build was improved to allow the generation of two different sets of binaries (general / default profile & Hungarian / via -Phu profile; #279)
  • Added specific EAD 2002 template in the Hungarian release (#278, #292)
  • Fixed metadata validation problem (only occurring in windows, using both jar & exe; #290)
  • Now its possible to set, via configuration, which SIP formats are available to a specific release (#289)
  • Improvements to Package description form (a.k.a METS header form; #280, #281, #282, #285, #286)
  • Added help page for Hungarian SIP 4
  • Several fixes & enhancements

NOTE: It's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version. This folder is on My Documents when using Windows (e.g. C:\Users[username]\Documents\roda-in ) and the user's home directory if using Unix (e.g. /home/[username]/roda-in ).

2.1.0 Beta 1

24 Apr 17:32
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  • Added support for new SIP format called "Hungarian SIP 4" (#262, #253, #251, #250, #249, #248)
  • "Create SIPs" window now preserves options between executions (#245)
  • Fixed bug related to multiple items descriptive metadata edition (#256)
  • Now representations name can be changed (#254)
  • Several fixes & enhancements

2.0.0 Beta 5

20 Mar 11:35
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  • Solved issue "Log is not being saved" (#242)
  • Solved issue "SIP file names should be escaped before writing to disk" (#244)

2.0.0 Beta 4

13 Mar 17:10
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  • Major code refactor to start separating what's UI (View) code & what's Core (Model & Controller) code
  • Updated dependencies versions
  • Improved ingored files logic (by caching patterns)
  • Disabled watch service as it has performance issues (will be replaced by an update/refresh menu option)
  • Solved issue #239
  • Disabled unit tests as they are UI based and they are away back in time (because UI suffered changes but tests didn't; they will be redone while moving controller logic from UI code to Controller code)

2.0.0 Beta 3

24 Feb 15:18
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Fix "new version" detection

2.0.0 Beta 2

23 Feb 17:57
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Since RODA-in is still in Beta, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version. This folder is on My Documents when using Windows (e.g. C:\User[username]\Documents\roda-in ) and the user's home directory if using Unix (e.g. /home/[username]/roda-in )


  • Enhanced performance and stability

2.0.0 Beta 1

06 Jan 17:51
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Since RODA-in is still in Beta, it's recommended to delete the "roda-in" folder from the documents before the first execution of the new version. This folder is on My Documents when using Windows (e.g. C:\User[username]\Documents\roda-in ) and the user's home directory if using Unix (e.g. /home/[username]/roda-in )


  • Bug fixes