This spell-under
is a simple vim plugin to change highlight scheme of
spelling checker to use "UNDERLINE" instead of default "REVERSE" for color
terminals when :colorscheme
is set.
This enables you to use both :syntax on
and :set spell
by avoiding
unreadable text situation due to matched reversed background color and syntax
highlighted foreground text color.
The latest version of spell-under
is available on github. 1
This plugin follows the vim standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
Plugin Manager | Install with... |
Pathogen | cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-spell-under && git clone Remember to run :Helptags to generate help tags |
Vundle | Plugin 'osamuaoki/vim-spell-under' |
Plug | Plug 'osamuaoki/vim-spell-under' |
VAM | call vam#ActivateAddons([ 'vim-spell-under' ]) |
Dein | call dein#add('osamuaoki/vim-spell-under') |
minpac | call minpac#add('osamuaoki/vim-spell-under') |
manual | copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory |
manual (vim>=8) | cd ~/.vim/pack/somepath/start && git clone Remember to run :Helptags to generate help tags |
The author of this script uses an extended installation approach based on "manual (vim>8)" with a shell script based menu system. See osamuaoki/dot-vim.
Once spell-under
is installed, Vim behaves as follows:
- If
is unset in.vimrc
executes:colorscheme murphy
and fixes up spell checker to use "UNDERLINE". - If
haslet g:spell_under='<scheme>'
executes:colorscheme <scheme>
and fixes up spell checker to use "UNDERLINE". - If
haslet g:spell_under='NONE'
doesn't executes:colorscheme <scheme>
. - When you execute
colorscheme <scheme>
from any scipt after parsing this plugin or from the vim command prompt, vim sets colorscheme accordingly and fixes up spell checker to use "UNDERLINE". - If
is set to 1,spell-under
plugin has been loaded.
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2019 Osamu Aoki