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luckyrat committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent bdb3a58 commit 0b2dddb
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Showing 14 changed files with 224 additions and 56 deletions.
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions _locales/cs/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -540,13 +540,21 @@
"description": "Top-level description of what Kee does. Focuses on the most obvious/desirable features that are specific to Kee, rather than generic to the concept of a password manager."
"kee_works_with_a_password_manager": {
"message": "Kee ukládá přístupové údaje zabezpečeně do správce hesel pod jedno \"hlavní heslo\".",
"message": "The credentials Kee enters for you are stored securely in a password manager behind a single \"main password\".",
"description": "Explains that Kee stores passwords in a password manager that user's access through a single password."
"recommend_start_with_kee_vault": {
"message": "Doporučujeme vyzkoušet správce hesel Kee Vault na 14 dní zdarma. Po zkušební době stojí jen £2 za měsíc a nevyžaduje platební údaje, když se zaregistrujete, takže nic neriskujete.",
"message": "We recommend trying out our Kee Vault password manager. It only costs around £20 per year after a free trial, seamlessly synchronises and backs up your passwords across all of your devices and is Open Source, just like Kee.",
"description": "Recommend the quick and easy option for new users to increase likelihood of long-term usage of a password manager."
"recommend_start_with_kee_vault2": {
"message": "We also have apps to help you sign into other apps and websites on your iOS and Android devices.",
"description": "Further details about the Kee Vault service."
"kee_still_supports_keepass": {
"message": "Kee still fully supports using KeePass as your password manager so you don't have to do anything but we would really appreciate your support to keep Kee going for many years to come.",
"description": "Reassures users that nothing has changed regarding the support of KeePass as a password management source."
"load_kee_vault_now": {
"message": "Načíst Kee Vault ihned",
"description": "Call To Action button text. On click, the Kee Vault app will load and focus in a new tab."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,14 +791,18 @@
"message": "Sem vždy ukládat nové položky",
"description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create."
"list_version_upgrade_3_10": {
"message": "Some improvements to user interface appearance.;Unfortunately, there will be some bugs too so please let us know what you want to see improved.;Known issue: Filtering the list of groups to save a new entry into is no longer possible.;99% of changes are invisible, and rushed out to Firefox users only as a result of a demand from Mozilla.;If you find any serious bugs, please let us know on the community forum, install the old beta version (Kee v3.9.5beta) and then disable automatic updates for a short time while we investigate.;The Community Forum can still be found at;Note: If you have Kee in Google Chrome too, you'll stay on version 3.9.5 for the moment.",
"list_version_upgrade_3_11": {
"message": "User interface improvements;Keyboard navigation improvements, including in the Network Auth list of entries and when selecting a group to save a new entry into;Fixes the \"ignore case\" option which did not work for include IDs and Names. You may therefore find that Kee offers to fill in some forms it previously ignored;Re-enables filtering of group names when selecting where to save a new entry (this was disabled only on Firefox in the previous version of Kee)",
"description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator."
"release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": {
"message": "Více informací pro uživatele KeePassu, včetně důležitých, lze nalézt v komunitním fóru pod oznámením o vydání:",
"description": "Statement - preceding a link - to notify users that there is a corresponding topic on the community forum that was posted just before this version was submitted to the web browser extension stores for review. Specifically this one calls out that it affects KeePass users (due to KeePassRPC.plgx related information)"
"thanks_for_beta_testing": {
"message": "Thanks for beta testing Kee! You are helping us to make Kee better for everyone. If you have any feedback or find new issues with this release, please join those on the community forum and let us know.",
"description": "Message thanking the user for being a Kee beta tester"
"beta_testing_is_good": {
"message": "Beta testeři Kee si užívají některá tato vylepšení již několik měsíců.",
"description": "Brief highlight of one of the benefits of being a Kee beta tester"
Expand Down
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions _locales/de/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -540,13 +540,21 @@
"description": "Top-level description of what Kee does. Focuses on the most obvious/desirable features that are specific to Kee, rather than generic to the concept of a password manager."
"kee_works_with_a_password_manager": {
"message": "Die Zugangsdaten, die Kee für Sie eingibt, werden sicher in einem Passwortmanager hinter einem einzigen \"Masterpasswort\" gespeichert.",
"message": "Die Zugangsdaten, die Kee für Sie eingibt, werden sicher in einem Passwortmanager hinter einem einzigen \"Hauptpasswort\" gespeichert.",
"description": "Explains that Kee stores passwords in a password manager that user's access through a single password."
"recommend_start_with_kee_vault": {
"message": "Wir empfehlen die für 14 Tage kostenlose Testversion des Passwortmanagers Kee Vault. Es kostet nach der Testphase nur £2 pro Monat und erfordert keine Zahlungsdetails, wenn Sie sich anmelden. Dies ist risikofrei.",
"message": "Wir empfehlen Ihnen, unseren Passwort-Manager Kee Vault auszuprobieren. Es kostet nach einer kostenlosen Testversion nur etwa 20£ pro Jahr, synchronisiert und sichert Ihre Passwörter nahtlos auf allen Ihren Geräten und ist Open Source, genau wie Kee.",
"description": "Recommend the quick and easy option for new users to increase likelihood of long-term usage of a password manager."
"recommend_start_with_kee_vault2": {
"message": "Wir bieten auch Apps an, mit denen Sie sich auf Ihren iOS- und Android-Geräten bei anderen Apps und Websites anmelden können.",
"description": "Further details about the Kee Vault service."
"kee_still_supports_keepass": {
"message": "Kee unterstützt weiterhin uneingeschränkt die Verwendung von KeePass als Passwort-Manager, sodass Sie nichts tun müssen, aber wir würden uns sehr über Ihre Unterstützung freuen, damit Kee noch viele Jahre am Laufen bleibt.",
"description": "Reassures users that nothing has changed regarding the support of KeePass as a password management source."
"load_kee_vault_now": {
"message": "Kee Vault jetzt laden",
"description": "Call To Action button text. On click, the Kee Vault app will load and focus in a new tab."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,14 +791,18 @@
"message": "Neue Einträge immer hier speichern",
"description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create."
"list_version_upgrade_3_10": {
"message": "Einige Verbesserungen am Erscheinungsbild der Benutzeroberfläche.;Leider wird es auch einige Fehler geben, also teilen Sie uns bitte mit, was Sie verbessert sehen möchten.;Bekanntes Problem: Das Filtern der Liste der Gruppen, in denen ein neuer Eintrag gespeichert werden soll, ist nicht mehr möglich.;99 % der Änderungen sind unsichtbar und wurden nur auf Anfrage von Mozilla an Firefox-Benutzer weitergegeben. Wenn Sie schwerwiegende Fehler finden, teilen Sie uns dies bitte im Community-Forum mit, installieren Sie die alte Beta-Version (Kee v3.9.5beta ) und deaktivieren Sie dann für kurze Zeit automatische Updates, während wir nachforschen.;Das Community-Forum ist weiterhin unter zu finden;Hinweis: Wenn Sie Kee auch in Google Chrome verwenden, bleiben Sie auf Version 3.9.5 im Moment.",
"list_version_upgrade_3_11": {
"message": "Verbesserungen der Benutzeroberfläche;Verbesserungen der Tastaturnavigation, einschließlich in der Netzwerkauthentifizierungsliste der Einträge und bei der Auswahl einer Gruppe, in der ein neuer Eintrag gespeichert werden soll;Behebt die Option „Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorieren“, die bei Include-IDs und Namen nicht funktionierte. Sie werden daher möglicherweise feststellen, dass Kee das Ausfüllen einiger Formulare anbietet, die zuvor ignoriert wurden. Aktiviert die Filterung von Gruppennamen erneut, wenn ausgewählt wird, wo ein neuer Eintrag gespeichert werden soll (dies war in der vorherigen Version von Kee nur in Firefox deaktiviert).\n ",
"description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator."
"release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": {
"message": "Weitere Details, einschließlich wichtiger Informationen für KeePass-Benutzer, finden Sie in der Release-Ankündigung im Community-Forum:",
"description": "Statement - preceding a link - to notify users that there is a corresponding topic on the community forum that was posted just before this version was submitted to the web browser extension stores for review. Specifically this one calls out that it affects KeePass users (due to KeePassRPC.plgx related information)"
"thanks_for_beta_testing": {
"message": "Vielen Dank für den Betatest von Kee! Sie helfen uns, Kee für alle besser zu machen. Wenn Sie Feedback haben oder neue Probleme mit dieser Version feststellen, schließen Sie sich bitte dem Community-Forum an und teilen Sie uns dies mit.",
"description": "Message thanking the user for being a Kee beta tester"
"beta_testing_is_good": {
"message": "Kee-Betatester genießen bereits seit vielen Monaten einige dieser Verbesserungen.",
"description": "Brief highlight of one of the benefits of being a Kee beta tester"
Expand Down
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions _locales/es_ES/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -540,13 +540,21 @@
"description": "Top-level description of what Kee does. Focuses on the most obvious/desirable features that are specific to Kee, rather than generic to the concept of a password manager."
"kee_works_with_a_password_manager": {
"message": "The credentials Kee enters for you are stored securely in a password manager behind a single \"master password\".",
"message": "The credentials Kee enters for you are stored securely in a password manager behind a single \"main password\".",
"description": "Explains that Kee stores passwords in a password manager that user's access through a single password."
"recommend_start_with_kee_vault": {
"message": "We recommend trying out the Kee Vault password manager 14 day free trial. It's only £2 per month after the trial and does not require payment details when you sign up so is risk free.",
"message": "We recommend trying out our Kee Vault password manager. It only costs around £20 per year after a free trial, seamlessly synchronises and backs up your passwords across all of your devices and is Open Source, just like Kee.",
"description": "Recommend the quick and easy option for new users to increase likelihood of long-term usage of a password manager."
"recommend_start_with_kee_vault2": {
"message": "We also have apps to help you sign into other apps and websites on your iOS and Android devices.",
"description": "Further details about the Kee Vault service."
"kee_still_supports_keepass": {
"message": "Kee still fully supports using KeePass as your password manager so you don't have to do anything but we would really appreciate your support to keep Kee going for many years to come.",
"description": "Reassures users that nothing has changed regarding the support of KeePass as a password management source."
"load_kee_vault_now": {
"message": "Cargar ahora Lee Vault",
"description": "Call To Action button text. On click, the Kee Vault app will load and focus in a new tab."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,14 +791,18 @@
"message": "Always save new entries here",
"description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create."
"list_version_upgrade_3_10": {
"message": "Some improvements to user interface appearance.;Unfortunately, there will be some bugs too so please let us know what you want to see improved.;Known issue: Filtering the list of groups to save a new entry into is no longer possible.;99% of changes are invisible, and rushed out to Firefox users only as a result of a demand from Mozilla.;If you find any serious bugs, please let us know on the community forum, install the old beta version (Kee v3.9.5beta) and then disable automatic updates for a short time while we investigate.;The Community Forum can still be found at;Note: If you have Kee in Google Chrome too, you'll stay on version 3.9.5 for the moment.",
"list_version_upgrade_3_11": {
"message": "User interface improvements;Keyboard navigation improvements, including in the Network Auth list of entries and when selecting a group to save a new entry into;Fixes the \"ignore case\" option which did not work for include IDs and Names. You may therefore find that Kee offers to fill in some forms it previously ignored;Re-enables filtering of group names when selecting where to save a new entry (this was disabled only on Firefox in the previous version of Kee)",
"description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator."
"release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": {
"message": "More details, including important information for KeePass users can be found in the release announcement on the community forum:",
"description": "Statement - preceding a link - to notify users that there is a corresponding topic on the community forum that was posted just before this version was submitted to the web browser extension stores for review. Specifically this one calls out that it affects KeePass users (due to KeePassRPC.plgx related information)"
"thanks_for_beta_testing": {
"message": "Thanks for beta testing Kee! You are helping us to make Kee better for everyone. If you have any feedback or find new issues with this release, please join those on the community forum and let us know.",
"description": "Message thanking the user for being a Kee beta tester"
"beta_testing_is_good": {
"message": "Kee beta testers have been enjoying some of these improvements for many months already.",
"description": "Brief highlight of one of the benefits of being a Kee beta tester"
Expand Down

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