A gem providing access and bundling to the newer packaged versions of Vagrant. (I.E. Vagrant 1.1+)
- Allow your projects to depend on newer versions of Vagrant.
- Ensure shell calls are routed to the packaged version (even if the older Gem version is installed).
- Easily check and enforce version requirements.
Please note: this Gem does not install any version of Vagrant, it provides a compatibility layer over the newer packaged version. However, functions are included which may be used to guide the installation of Vagrant, when necessary.
Examples of the problem this gem solves, and the history behind it, have been moved to the ENIGMA.md file.
- Now supporting Windows!
- Testing cleaned up and updated to RSpec3
Big thank you to @btm for writing these updates, and @tknerr for helping to test.
Require the Vagrant Wrapper via your Gemfile, then run bundle install
gem 'vagrant-wrapper'
Shell calls to 'vagrant' in your project will now always use the packaged version of Vagrant if available, even if the now deprecated Vagrant Gem is installed and available in your Rubygems path.
Existing projects which require the old 'vagrant' gem in their Gemfile directly will continue to see and use the older Gem version, even if they are shelling out as well.
Please note: The wrapper searches for a packaged installation of Vagrant first, and then falls back to any version it can find in the PATH. Therefore it will link to the 1.0.x gem version if that's all that is installed, so you should always enforce a minimum Vagrant version, see below.
By requiring 'vagrant-wrapper' in your Gemfile, all calls to vagrant (inside and outside of Ruby), will use the packaged Vagrant install if available.
Simply call vagrant
via a Ruby back tick, or from the command line.
If Vagrant is missing (or older than a version you specify) the command will return a standard-error message:
Vagrant >= 1.1 is required. You have 1.0.7.
See http://www.vagrantup.com for instructions.
%x{vagrant --min-ver=1.1 box list}
bundle exec vagrant --min-ver=1.1 box list
Ruby functions exist for even deeper integration. For full documentation, please see the RDoc.
require 'vagrant-wrapper'
# Will throw VagrantWrapper::Exceptions::Version
vw = VagrantWrapper.new(">= 1.1")
# This does the same thing:
vw = VagrantWrapper.new
vw.require_version(">= 1.1.")
# You could handle the error like this:
vw = VagrantWrapper.new(">= 1.1")
rescue VagrantWrapper::Exceptions::Version => e
$stderr.print e.message + "\n"
$stderr.print vw.install_instructions
# Which is the same as:
VagrantWrapper.require_or_help_install(">= 1.1")
require 'vagrant-wrapper'
# => "1.1.5" (nil if not installed)
require 'vagrant-wrapper'
box_list = VagrantWrapper.new.get_output "box list"
This will cause vagrant to become the main process, as if you'd called it on the command-line. Execution will not return to your Ruby script.
require 'vagrant-wrapper'
VagrantWrapper.new.execute "up"
puts "This line would never be printed."
This is an alternative to calling vagrant with backticks.
require 'vagrant-wrapper'
VagrantWrapper.new.run "up"
puts "This line will be printed."
Please note, the version of this wrapper does not indicate (or mandate) any specific version of Vagrant on the target system. As above, use the VagrantWrapper API for managing the vagrant version.
It's okay if the 'vagrant-wrapper' gem's version does not match the desired version of Vagrant. Therefore specifying a version of the wrapper in your Gemfile is not recommended.
Major differences in Vagrant will refuse to use the same existing shared data directory. If you have an older project requiring the 'vagrant' gem that's fine, but you may need to set the VAGRANT_HOME environment variable to point to another location.
$ export VAGRANT_HOME=~/.vagrant.old
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Please visit: code.binbab.org
bundle install
rake test
- Author:: BinaryBabel OSS ([email protected])
- Copyright:: 2013
sha1(OWNER) = df334a7237f10846a0ca302bd323e35ee1463931
- License:: MIT