Noise protocol | nanoseconds/op | seconds/op |
Noise_XX_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s | 271939 | 0.000271939 |
Noise_pqXX_Kyber768X25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s | 843680 | 0.00084368 |
- This test only performs cryptographic operations. Our noise benchmark test measures the client and server performing the handshake and then the server encrypts a plaintext message and the client decrypts it:
See our specification for more information:
- Noise base wire protocol
Primitive | Sphinx type | nanoseconds/op | seconds/op |
X25519 | KEM | 80093 | 8.009×10−5 |
X25519 | NIKE | 160233 | 0.000160233 |
Kyber512 | KEM | 43758 | 4.3758e-5 |
Kyber768 | KEM | 57049 | 5.7049e-5 |
Kyber1024 | KEM | 72173 | 7.2173e-5 |
Kyber768 X25519 Hybrid | KEM | 87816 | 8.7816e-5 |
CTIDH512 | NIKE | 336995975 | 0.336995975 |
CTIDH1024 | NIKE | 18599579037 | 18.599579037 |
CTIDH2048 | NIKE | 17056742100 | 17.0567421 |
CTIDH512 | KEM | ||
CTIDH1024 | KEM | 11408217346 | 11.408217346 |
CTIDH2048 | KEM |
NIKE Sphinx is slower than KEM Sphinx because NIKE Sphinx must perform two public key operations per hop.
However the other tradeoff is that KEM Sphinx requires a much bigger cryptographic object size: the sphinx packet header size will be very large!
See our specifications for more information:
- NIKE Sphinx
- KEM Sphinx
Primitive | Sphinx Type | Header Size | Num Hops |
X25519 | NIKE | 476 | 5 |
X25519 | NIKE | 886 | 10 |
Kyber512 | KEM | 5052 | 5 |
Kyber512 | KEM | 9302 | 10 |
Kyber768 | KEM | 6972 | 5 |
Kyber768 | KEM | 12822 | 10 |
Kyber1024 | KEM | 9852 | 5 |
Kyber1024 | KEM | 18102 | 10 |
Kyber768 X25519 Hybrid | KEM | 7164 | 5 |
Kyber768 X25519 Hybrid | KEM | 13174 | 10 |
Since we can set the Sphinx packet payload to any size we want, we have a lot of control over it's overhead ratio.
Our Noise transport messages incure a 16 byte overhead byte we use ChaCha20-Poly1305.
Currently we have set the maximum Noise message size to 1300000 bytes. On principle we will always set our Noise message size big enough to encapsulate our Sphinx packets.
Name | Overhead |
IPv4 | 20 bytes |
UDP | 8 bytes |
QUIC v1 | 20 bytes |
appox. TLS | 32 bytes |
TOTAL: | 80 |
for ipv4 the QUIC payload size is 1354?
Goal: To ensure all QUIC packets are the same size and maxing out payload size.
We calculate the overhead ratio for transmitting application payloads over Sphinx/QUIC/UDP/IPv4.
is the Sphinx payload sizeh
is the Sphinx header sizes
is the Sphinx packet size, which isp + h
is the Noise overheadm
is the Noise message size which iss+n
is the overhead impose by QUIC/UDP/IPv4i
is the payload size that can be transported in single QUIC packet
The Noise message will be divided into many QUIC packets. Let N equal the number of QUIC packets needed to transport a Noise message:
N = ceil(m / i)
The total overhead for transmitting the p
Sphinx payload bytes over IPv4/UDP/QUIC would then be:
(N * q) + n + h
Therefore, the bandwidth overhead ratio can be calculated as the total overhead divided by the total data transmitted. This will give us:
Bandwidth Overhead Ratio = Total Overhead / Total Data Transmitted
Bandwidth Overhead Ratio = '(s / p) + additional_neglible_overhead'
- ed25519 + Spincs+ shake-256f ref impl
human@computer ~/code/katzenpost/core/crypto/sign/bench/ed25519sphincsplus (add_signature_benchmarks) $ CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW=-DPARAMS=sphincs-shake-256f go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
BenchmarkSign-8 4 336805352 ns/op
BenchmarkVerify-8 84 13665171 ns/op
ok 7.769s
human@computer ~/code/katzenpost/core/crypto/sign/bench/ed25519sphincsplus (add_signature_benchmarks) $
- ed25519 + Spincs+ haraka-256f ref impl
CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW=-DPARAMS=sphincs-haraka-256f go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
BenchmarkSign-8 4 324248455 ns/op
BenchmarkVerify-8 86 12765333 ns/op
ok 7.661s