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remove some unsafe, but not all
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Thank you @arthur-adjedj
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awalterschulze committed Aug 29, 2024
1 parent 757b5b3 commit 39e3901
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49 changes: 41 additions & 8 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -100,18 +100,51 @@ We use explicit parameters and almost no module level parameters, for example `L

## The Non-Trivial difference from the Agda implementation

[Automatic.lean](./Sodal/Automatic.lean) requires the use of `unsafe` to define `Automatic.Lang`:
[Automatic.lean](./Sodal/Automatic.lean) has a lot of termination checking issues.
We can safely define Automatic.Lang:

inductive Lang {α: Type u} (R: Language.Lang α): Type (u) where
inductive Lang {α: Type u} : Language.Lang α -> Type (u+1) where
| mk
(null: Decidability.Dec (Calculus.null R))
(derive: (a: α) -> Lang (Calculus.derive R a))
: Lang R
(null: Decidability.Dec (Calculus.null R))
(derive: (a: α) -> Lang (Calculus.derive R a))
: Lang R

Without `unsafe`, we get the following error: `"(kernel) arg #4 of '' contains a non valid occurrence of the datatypes being declared"`
But when we try to instantiate it using any operator, we get termination checking issues, for example given `emptyset`:
-- ∅ : Lang ◇.∅
def emptyset {α: Type u}: Lang (@Language.emptyset.{u} α) :=
-- ν ∅ = ⊥‽
(null := Decidability.empty)
-- δ ∅ a = ∅
(derive := fun _ => emptyset)

We get the following error:
fail to show termination for
with errors
failed to infer structural recursion:
Not considering parameter α of Automatic.emptyset:
it is unchanged in the recursive calls
no parameters suitable for structural recursion
well-founded recursion cannot be used, 'Automatic.emptyset' does not take any (non-fixed) arguments

Getting around this issue requires the use of `unsafe`:

-- ∅ : Lang ◇.∅
unsafe -- failed to infer structural recursion
def emptyset {α: Type u}: Lang (@Language.emptyset.{u} α) :=
-- ν ∅ = ⊥‽
(null := Decidability.empty)
-- δ ∅ a = ∅
(derive := fun _ => emptyset)

This was probably inevitable, given that the Agda version of Lang in [Automatic.lagda]( required coinduction, which is not a feature of Lean:

Expand All @@ -123,7 +156,7 @@ record Lang (P : ◇.Lang) : Set (suc ℓ) where
δ : (a : A) → Lang (◇.δ P a)

Also this representation encountered issues with Agda's termination checker, when defining the derivative of the concat operator, which was fixed using a sized version of the record:
Also this representation encountered issues with Agda's termination checker, but only when defining the derivative of the concat operator, not all operators as in Lean, which was fixed using a sized version of the record:

record Lang i (P : ◇.Lang) : Set (suc ℓ) where
Expand Down
36 changes: 15 additions & 21 deletions Sadol/Automatic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,83 +23,79 @@ namespace Automatic
-- ν : Dec (◇.ν P)
-- δ : (a : A) → Lang (◇.δ P a)

-- we need "unsafe" otherwise we get the following error:
-- "(kernel) arg #4 of '' contains a non valid occurrence of the datatypes being declared"
inductive Lang {α: Type u} (R: Language.Lang α): Type (u) where
inductive Lang {α: Type u} : Language.Lang α -> Type (u+1) where
| mk
(null: Decidability.Dec (Calculus.null R))
(derive: (a: α) -> Lang (Calculus.derive R a))
: Lang R
(null: Decidability.Dec (Calculus.null R))
(derive: (a: α) -> Lang (Calculus.derive R a))
: Lang R

unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
def null (l: Lang R): Decidability.Dec (Calculus.null R) :=
match l with
| n _ => n

unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
def derive {α: Type u} {R: Language.Lang α} (l: Lang R) (a: α): Lang (Calculus.derive R a) :=
match l with
| _ d => d a

-- ∅ : Lang ◇.∅
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- failed to infer structural recursion
def emptyset {α: Type u}: Lang (@Language.emptyset.{u} α) :=
-- ν ∅ = ⊥‽
(null := Decidability.empty)
-- δ ∅ a = ∅
(derive := fun _ => emptyset)

-- 𝒰 : Lang ◇.𝒰
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- failed to infer structural recursion
def universal {α: Type u}: Lang (@Language.universal.{u} α) :=
-- ν 𝒰 = ⊤‽
(null := Decidability.unit)
-- δ 𝒰 a = 𝒰
(derive := fun _ => universal)

-- _∪_ : Lang P → Lang Q → Lang (P ◇.∪ Q)
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- fail to show termination for Automatic.or
def or {α: Type u} {P Q: Language.Lang α} (p: Lang P) (q: Lang Q): Lang (Language.or P Q) :=
-- ν (p ∪ q) = ν p ⊎‽ ν q
(null := Decidability.sum (null p) (null q))
-- δ (p ∪ q) a = δ p a ∪ δ q a
(derive := fun (a: α) => or (derive p a) (derive q a))

-- _∩_ : Lang P → Lang Q → Lang (P ◇.∩ Q)
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- fail to show termination for Automatic.and
def and {α: Type u} {P Q: Language.Lang α} (p: Lang P) (q: Lang Q): Lang (Language.and P Q) :=
-- ν (p ∩ q) = ν p ×‽ ν q
(null := (null p) (null q))
-- δ (p ∩ q) a = δ p a ∩ δ q a
(derive := fun (a: α) => and (derive p a) (derive q a))

-- _·_ : Dec s → Lang P → Lang (s ◇.· P)
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- fail to show termination for Automatic.scalar
def scalar {α: Type u} {P: Language.Lang α} (s: Decidability.Dec S) (p: Lang P): Lang (Language.scalar S P) :=
-- ν (s · p) = s ×‽ ν p
(null := s (null p))
-- δ (s · p) a = s · δ p a
(derive := fun (a: α) => scalar s (derive p a))

-- _◂_ : (Q ⟷ P) → Lang P → Lang Q
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- fail to show termination for Automatic.iso
def iso {α: Type u} {P Q: Language.Lang α} (f: ∀ {w: List α}, Q w <=> P w) (p: Lang P): Lang Q :=
-- ν (f ◂ p) = f ◃ ν p
(null := Decidability.apply' f (null p))
-- δ (f ◂ p) a = f ◂ δ p a
(derive := fun (a: α) => iso f (derive p a))

-- 𝟏 : Lang ◇.𝟏
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- dependent on iso which uses unsafe
def emptystr {α: Type u}: Lang (@Language.emptystr α) :=
-- ν 𝟏 = ν𝟏 ◃ ⊤‽
(null := Decidability.apply' Calculus.null_emptystr Decidability.unit)
-- δ 𝟏 a = δ𝟏 ◂ ∅
(derive := fun _ => iso Calculus.derive_emptystr emptyset)

-- _⋆_ : Lang P → Lang Q → Lang (P ◇.⋆ Q)
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- fail to show termination for Automatic.concat
def concat {α: Type u} {P Q: Language.Lang α} (p: Lang P) (q: Lang Q): Lang (Language.concat P Q) :=
-- ν (p ⋆ q) = ν⋆ ◃ (ν p ×‽ ν q)
(null := Decidability.apply' Calculus.null_concat ( (null p) (null q)))
Expand All @@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ def concat {α: Type u} {P Q: Language.Lang α} (p: Lang P) (q: Lang Q): Lang (L

-- _☆ : Lang P → Lang (P ◇.☆)
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- fail to show termination for
def star {α: Type u} {P: Language.Lang α} (p: Lang P): Lang ( P) :=
-- ν (p ☆) = ν☆ ◃ (ν p ✶‽)
(null := Decidability.apply' Calculus.null_star (Decidability.list (null p)))
Expand All @@ -131,7 +127,7 @@ def star {α: Type u} {P: Language.Lang α} (p: Lang P): Lang ( P)

-- ` : (a : A) → Lang (◇.` a)
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
unsafe -- dependent on iso which uses unsafe
def char {α: Type u} [Decidability.DecEq α] (c: α): Lang (Language.char c) :=
-- ν (` a) = ν` ◃ ⊥‽
(null := Decidability.apply' Calculus.null_char Decidability.empty)
Expand All @@ -146,7 +142,6 @@ def char {α: Type u} [Decidability.DecEq α] (c: α): Lang (Language.char c) :=
-- ⟦_⟧‽ : Lang P → Decidable P
-- ⟦ p ⟧‽ [] = ν p
-- ⟦ p ⟧‽ (a ∷ w) = ⟦ δ p a ⟧‽ w
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
def decDenote (p: Lang P): Decidability.DecPred P :=
fun w =>
match w with
Expand All @@ -155,7 +150,6 @@ def decDenote (p: Lang P): Decidability.DecPred P :=

-- ⟦_⟧ : Lang P → ◇.Lang
-- ⟦_⟧ {P} _ = P
unsafe -- we need unsafe, since Automatic.Lang requires unsafe
def denote (_: @Lang α P): Language.Lang α := P

end Automatic

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