Challenge your friends the long but rewarding task of defeating the ender dragon. Split up into teams of 3 and fight for the victory. Each player is given 3 lives only, once you run out, you're eliminated from the game and only allowed to spectate the remaining game as it progresses.
Video showcasing the pack in action:
- Teams of 3: The game is designed to support 3 teams to battle to the end. This will be optional in a future update.
- Sectioned game: The game is structured into 3 segments; the starter, grace and main period.
- Player lives: Each player spawns with 3 lives and once they are out, they will be moved into spectator mode.
- Minimal layout: Any game status updates are contained in a single bossbar to ensure the screen has minimal interruptions.
As with any other datapack, there is an incredibly simple installation process:
- Download the datapack .zip file and save it somewhere
- In Minecraft, create a new world then press Data Packs
- Drag the file you saved earlier into this now opened folder
- Then click the > arrow to enable the pack, ignore any version errors
Now the pack is installed, there is a simple process to start the game:
- Either host the server or load up the world on Minecraft Realms
- Once you're ready, run /function uhc:start and let the games begin!