E-Store is a e-commerce website showcasing products with modern design elements. Users can explore categories, view featured items, and engage with the website's clean, interactive interface to shop for footwear. This project is perfect for anyone looking to build or enhance an e-commerce platform.
- Features Responsive design with mobile-first approach. Search bar for easy product discovery. Product categories for men and women. Featured products and discount offers. Clean and stylish navigation bar for smooth browsing. User-friendly interface with hover animations for a modern look. A blog section (can be added) for customer engagement and product highlights.
you can also see my project here: https://kashish6398.github.io/E-Store/
- Technologies Used HTML5: For the structure and layout of the website. CSS3: For styling, animations, and responsive design. FontAwesome: For icons used in navigation and product pages. Google Fonts: For attractive and readable typography.