- Flask: Flask is a micro web framework written in Python.
Develop an API using Python and the Flask framework which would let users add, search for, browse, and delete games from a database.
The API will have the ability to do following things:
- Sign up as a user / Add a new user.
- Log in / Log in.
- Add new games to the database.
- Search for a specific game by ‘title’
- Games filter by 'platform', 'genre', and 'editors_choice'. Also include the ability to sort the order of returned games by 'score' (ascending and descending)
- Update game’s properties (i.e. ‘score’, ‘platform’, etc...)
- Delete a game from the database.
- Add a game – Handle POST request
- Read a game – Handle GET request
- Update a game – Handle PATCH request
- Delete a game – Handle DELETE request
- Read games by filter - Handle POST request
If you wish to run your own build, first ensure you have python globally installed in your computer. If not, you can get python here.
After check that mysql installed in your system. If not, you can refer this, here
After doing this, confirm that you have installed virtualenv globally as well. If not, run this:
$ pip install virtualenv
Git clone this repo to your PC
$ git clone https://github.com/KartikKaklotar/flask-rest-api.git
- cd into your the cloned repo as such:
$ cd flask-rest-api
- Create and fire up your virtual environment:
$ virtualenv venv -p python3 $ source venv/bin/activate
- Install the dependencies needed to run the app:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure your mysql credentials in config.py
[ update username:password@host:port/databaseName]
$ vim configure.py
- cd into your the cloned repo as such:
Fire up the server using this one simple command:
$ python run.py
You can now access the file api service on your browser by using
- /singup - POST
- /login - POST
- /games - GET
- /game - POST
- /game/id - GET
- /game/id - PATCH
- /game/id - DELETE
- /games/filter/filterName - POST
- /logout - POST/GET
- title
- platform
- genre
- editors_choice