Release 3.0.2
Skill kit
The skill kit makes it possible to extend the opponent model with any kind of game data, so that in principle Steamhammer can adapt any aspect of its play to the opponent based on experience. To implement a new skill under the skill kit, write a subclass of the abstract class Skill. You need to set a name for the subclass (_name) and implement methods enabled() (should the skill be loaded for this game?), update() (which may carry out the actual skill, or may only collect information), and putData() and getData() (write or parse your data for the game record). You also have to implement feasible() (check quickly, is it possible to execute the skill?), good() (is it a good idea to execute the skill?), and execute() (carry out the skill when feasible and good), but if you prefer you can let update() do all the work, just have feasible() return false, and supply trivial implementations for the others.
There is a new game record format that records modestly different information about each game, and includes skill kit data. Steamhammer can read records in the old format or the new format, so existing data can be kept.
The updated gas steal skill uses the skill kit and knows a lot more about Starcraft than the original gas steal skill.
There is a new enemy unit timing skill. All it does it record data.
Base ID numbers from the map analysis are now constant across games, so that the numbers can be stored in the opponent model and used to remember the initial base positions.
Proxy skills
- Steamhammer now has basic proxy skills so that you can write a wide variety of proxy openings. There are new macro locations such as @ enemy natural and new things that you can do with macro locations, like send workers there ahead of time.
It is also possible to use the skill kit to write more sophisticated proxy openings which make dynamic decisions.
Fixed: A bug caused distant buildings to start later than necessary because of an error in figuring out when to send the worker.
Improvements to the handling of production jams: Don’t declare a jam when we are out of resources. Don’t declare a jam when we are maxed on supply. Also, clearing a jam correctly resets the timer so we don’t loop on declaring production jams. The changes correct occasional minor problems, nothing serious.
If a worker sent to build gets locked down or maelstromed, we immediately assign a new worker. For some reason, Steamhammer used to assign new workers only for stasis.
If we’re protoss, and we’re constructing a building with a worker from the same base as the building, it’s OK to assign a worker that is carrying minerals or gas. It will barely delay our income. Terran and zerg continue to insist on builders with empty hands.
Some production code is slightly simplified.
Other infrastructure
Mine out blocking minerals on maps that have blocking mineral patches. In the SSCAIT map set, that is Destination and Heartbreak Ridge. WorkerManager sends a worker to mine out the minerals once there are 2 bases and at least 18 workers total. The implementation is not complete and works only for mineral patches with 0 minerals; it doesn’t work on maps where blocking minerals actually contain minerals (mostly quite old maps).
Resource tracking: Keep track of the remaining minerals and gas on the map, as information allows. Since writing those two posts, I extended the code to also keep track of whether a mineral patch is mined out; formerly, the code could not tell the difference between a 0 amount mineral patch and a mineral patch that no longer existed (it’s used in mining out blocking minerals).
Decide on the value of taking a base, possibly a base that is partially mined out, based in part on the remaining count of mineral patches and the remaining total resources. To get this tuned right I had to retune other aspects of expansion decisions too, or else it would take center bases too soon.
The internal The system to simplify information access is extensively reworked and lets you reach much more information.
Maintain global unit counts every frame. I removed the old UnitUtil::GetAllUnitCount() and UnitUtil::GetCompletedUnitCount() calls. The information is used so often that it’s better to compute the numbers once and for all each frame.
Infer the existence of enemy buildings that we haven’t seen if the buildings are prerequisites of things we have seen. When we see a dark templar, we know there is a templar archives, among other buildings.
Accurately predict enemy building completion times in the UnitInfo system that tracks enemy units. Steamhammer now knows when enemy static defense that it saw under construction will complete, and uses the information in combat simulation (it formerly used a gross approximation that sometimes caused misbehavior). The info is not yet used in recognizing the enemy plan, but it will be valuable when it is. The info also affects squad targeting sometimes.
A proxy enemy supply depot, engineering bay, or pylon by itself is not an emergency and doesn’t cause the enemy plan to be recognized as Proxy. Don’t overreact.
InformationManager::enemyGasTiming() remembers the time that the enemy first visibly used gas. For example, if we see a vulture, then we know there’s a factory, so we know that the enemy has spent some vespene. It’s one piece of data that goes into deciding whether to steal gas: It’s recorded in the new format game records, and the gas steal skill looks at the numbers from games with no gas steal to get an idea of the enemy’s usual behavior and decide whether stealing gas now will interfere with it.
A minor improvement to UnitUtil::EnemyDetectorInRange(), which tries to judge whether a cloaked unit of ours is detected by the enemy: Now it knows that a blinded detector can no longer detect.
I fixed a bug in InformationManager that could cause it to believe that a destroyed pylon existed for 1 extra frame, a bug with no detectable consequences. There should be a Rammstein song about that.
I removed the WorkerData::depots data structure and its updating code, which was not only unused, but unusable because it was incorrect. I also removed the MacroAct::_race value, which is redundant and was used only for error checks that have never failed in Steamhammer’s life and would be easy to debug if they did.
I removed various unnecessary includes.
New macro location @ gas only makes it possible to take a gas-only base (with no minerals) on those rare maps that have them. The zerg strategy boss knows how to do this and will automatically do it sometimes. This is on top of the new macro locations for proxies.
I removed the macro location @ macro in favor of @ main, which so far means the same thing. Though I’m thinking of splitting them again in the next version, when they may no longer mean the same....
Added configuration option Config::Debug::DrawResourceAmounts which draws Steamhammer’s idea of the remaining minerals or gas in each mineral patch or geyser—the amount and, if it’s not current, the frame it was last observed. It’s turned on in the uploaded instance, so you’ll see it on the SSCAIT stream. Also Config::Debug::DrawTerrainHeights which draws a number for the terrain height at each tile, with doodad terrain levels in purple.
Changed the configuration option Config::Debug::DrawWorkerInfo to draw the worker’s job code on each worker and target lines to show where the worker is going. Formerly it drew the worker jobs in a column, which was hard to relate to the game situation. Updated Config::Debug::DrawStrategyBossInfo to add the target queen count to its display of information.
Renamed configuration option Config::Skills::AutoGasSteal to Config::Skills::GasSteal; it sets whether the gas steal skill is enabled. Renamed Config::Debug::DrawUnitTargetInfo to Config::Debug::DrawUnitTargets because it is shorter.
Removed configuration options Config::Debug::DrawResourceInfo which was confusing, Config::Skills::RandomGasStealRate which appears to have never been used by any fork, Config::Debug::DrawMouseCursorPosition which I don’t find value in, and Config::Debug::DrawBOSSStateInfo which is not very informative even when using BOSS.
Fixed reaver stuttering, which was caused by a bug. Reavers are slow enough without spending half their movement time stopped.
InformationManager::getNearbyForce() uses the predicted completion time for enemy buildings. This is how the info gets into combat sim.
The recon squad: Don’t form it before 6 minutes into the game. Formerly the squad was constituted whenever there were “enough” units, which could cause a zergling rush to be weakened by diverting some lings to reconnaissance.
The watch squad: Even if a watch squad zergling is the last zergling on the map, it will remain on station. Formerly, in an emergency it would rejoin the main army, where it did no good and no longer guarded its base from being taken by the enemy. More importantly, stay above ground when detected and endangered. IceBot dealt successfully with the burrowed zerglings: When the SCV could not start construction, it scanned and attacked. The zergling was forced to the surface but instantly reburrowed again and soon died. Oops.
Squad targeting in the cleanup phase of the game: Don’t send a squad after enemy units that the squad can’t attack. This prevents some cases of zerglings following a floating ebay and the like. There are advantages to following, but I hope this way Steamhammer will be less often distracted from finishing the game.
Be willing to pull workers a longer distance versus an enemy proxy than versus zerglings. Keeping the workers near their minerals saved many games against zergling attacks, but prevented the workers from engaging proxy buildings. That’s fixed.
I made changes to try to retreat behind static defense instead of retreating to around static defense, but it didn’t work. Also unsuccessful were changes to cluster regrouping to get late-arriving units to join the fight as they should. The changes are still in the code, though; they’re no worse.
The maximum count of queens is configured to 6. The previous Steamhammer was already able to handle that, but I didn’t have time to test it before the tournament so I kept it configured to 1 queen max. When 2 or more queens are near each other, they fly in wacky looping patterns to keep away from each other so that they don’t all engage the same target at the same time. That’s a pre-existing behavior, but with 1 queen you don’t get to see it.
Queens are better at avoiding danger. I widened the safety margin by 1 tile, which made a bigger difference than I expected. Also, queens now recognize science vessels and dark archons as dangers and try to stay away from them.
I fixed a bug (introduced in tournament version 2.4.1 in December) that made queens less likely to succeed in infesting a command center. Moving around was taking priority over infesting.
The strategy boss knows how to make higher numbers of queens. It decides how many, and what research to do in the queen’s nest, by looking at enemy unit counts. It used to get the queen energy upgrade too early; now it only gets the energy upgrade if there are many queens to benefit from it, or if the economy is so booming that the expense is negligible.
The top priority broodling target is a nuking ghost. That brings queens in line with other attacking units.
Be willing to broodling a less important enemy unit if the enemy doesn’t seem to have any of the most important ones. For example, if you make a lot of tanks Steamhammer may make queens to broodling them. Later in the game, if there are no tanks to be found the queens will be happy to broodling goliaths instead; formerly it would insist on tanks no matter what. Broodling becomes more valuable.
If there is high total queen energy (because there are a lot of queens), be more willing to use ensnare and parasite instead of broodling when more than one spell is available. Formerly the broodling > ensnare > parasite hierarchy was more rigid. The more flexible queen behavior is better.
Steamhammer is able to make infested terrans. I fixed the production system bug that prevented it. It uses them very weakly, so I set it to make only 1 at a time and leave time between them.
Emergency reaction: If too many drones are lost, or a hatchery is lost, break out of the opening. Steamhammer as zerg is too inclined to stick to its opening when it is busted.
Fixed a bug in spellcaster micro that could cause a queen or defiler to go idle. That was painful when it happened; a potentially valuable unit would stop on the map and do nothing for the rest of its life.
Lurker micro improvement: A lurker will not unburrow if an unseen or undetected enemy is thought to be in range to attack it. Formerly, a lurker with no target would unburrow immediately to seek a target, then die to the bunker it could not see at the top of the ramp, or to an untargetable dark templar that was standing next to it. The ramp misbehavior especially caused a lot of unnecessary lurker losses (we saw an example of the same misbehavior from PurpleSwarm in a recent broadcast), but the DT misbehavior is also a key blunder in some games. There is a bug that will still cause a bad unburrow below a ramp sometimes, but at least it’s less common.
In ZvZ, be less eager to make a defensive evolution chamber right away. Steamhammer has made a lot of unnecessary evos.
In ZvT and ZvZ, when adding spore colonies, place the first spore in the location closest to the enemy, considering Steamhammer’s main base, natural, and any proxy it may have. (In ZvP, the first spore goes into the natural as DT defense.) There were cases where Steamhammer would place the spore in its main when the natural was closer to the enemy base, and it became impossible to protect the natural from wraiths. At least force them to fly around to a more distant target!
Drones may burrow for safety when an irradiated unit comes near. This protects them against the eraser trick and other irradiate hazards. I expect that by the time irradiate is researched, burrow will usually be available.
If the opening book says it wants a hatchery (and no drones have been lost), trust it and make the hatchery. This is to accomodate rare openings which deliberately make hatcheries early. Formerly a safety rule might fire and say “No, you don’t need that hatchery yet.”
The unit mix versus battlecruisers is adjusted slightly. I hope it will perform better against MadMix’s battlecruisers.
Don’t make more devourers than needed to counter enemy air. There was already an overall max devourer limit, and a limit depending on how many mutalisks there are. I hope that now, with all factors accounted for, Steamhammer will finally stop overdoing it.
If Steamhammer is maxed and rich, get overlord sight range.
Plaguing a cloaked ghost gets a high value, even compared to plague on other cloaked units. It’s to help defend against nukes. Steamhammer really, really does not want to get nuked.
- A lot of new openings mysteriously appeared. Where do they come from?