Display support and application information on the settings screen View. Non-licensed cells, when tapped, will transition to the default browser and open the page with the set URL. This library uses LicenseList by cybozu. Thank you for your wonderful library!
This GIF was taken using a simulator, so you can't see the app store page when the "write a review" button was tapped.
- MIT License
- Swift 5
- Xcode 14.2
- iOS 16.0 or later
- Install AppInfoList to your project
- File → Add Packages...
- Enter
- Setup for LicenseList
- see this blog
let info = AppInfo(
termOfUseURL: URL(string: "https://kamimi01.github.io/PomodoroCounter/privacy_policy/ja.html")!,
appURL: URL(string: "https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/ez-pomo/id1668609447?l=ja")!,
developerInfoURL: URL(string: "https://twitter.com/kamimi_01")!,
appStoreID: "1668609447"
info: info,
licenseFileURL: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "license-list", withExtension: "plist")!
You can change text colors and titles in cells with AppInfoAppearance
let appearance = AppInfoAppearance(
cellTextColor: .red,
versionTextColor: .green,
appearance: appearance,
let appearance = AppInfoAppearance(
cellTitles: CellTitles(
termsOfUse: "Terms of Use"
appearance: appearance,
If you don't want to display a cell, don't need to pass URL to AppInfo