This is a simple code generator tool to scaffold the spring data jdbc dao classes. This tool depends on Spring Data JDBC generic DAO implementation created by Tomasz Nurkiewicz.
This tool creates the domain classes (POJO classes), JDBC repository classes and some helper classes by reading the database metadata (tables, primary keys, foreign keys etc).
- Avoid writing boiler plate code and use the tool to generate.
- Generate simple, clean code which can be extensible.
- Preserve user written code.
- Extensible without compromising the generated code.
- Uses the Spring Data JDBC Generic Dao implementation created by Tomasz Nurkiewicz,
- Domain class with optional JSR-303 validation annotations.
- Repository class with @Repository annotation.
- Database helper class with RowMapper and RowUnMapper, table and column details. All table and column information is encapsulated in this class.
- Generated code can be edited and custom code can be added. Regenerating the code will not delete the custom code.
- Supports Postgres and Mysql. (other databases not tested)
If the table, Comments is defined as below
CREATE SEQUENCE comment_seq;
id INT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('comment_seq'),
user_name varchar(256) REFERENCES USERS,
contents varchar(1000),
created_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
favourite_count INT NOT NULL
the following classes are generated,
Domain Class: A Simple POJO with the fields defined in the database table. Implements the Spring Data JDBC Persistable
interface to enable persistence.
public class Comments implements Persistable<Integer>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Integer id;
private String userName;
private String contents;
private Date createdTime;
private Integer favouriteCount;
private transient boolean persisted;
private Users users;
public Comments ()
Helper Class: A helper class with all the database table related information encapsulated. Columns names exposed as an enum
public class CommentsDB
private static String TABLE_NAME = "COMMENTS";
private static String TABLE_ALIAS = "com";
public static String getTableName()
return TABLE_NAME;
public static String getTableAlias()
return TABLE_NAME + " as " + TABLE_ALIAS;
public enum COLUMNS
and RowUnMapper
classes to read and write the POJO class to database.
public static final class CommentsRowMapper implements RowMapper<Comments>
public Comments mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException
Comments obj = new Comments();
return obj;
public static final class CommentsRowUnmapper implements RowUnmapper<Comments>
public Map<String, Object> mapColumns(Comments comments)
Map<String, Object> mapping = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
mapping.put(COLUMNS.ID.getColumnName(), comments.getId());
mapping.put(COLUMNS.USER_NAME.getColumnName(), comments.getUserName());
mapping.put(COLUMNS.CONTENTS.getColumnName(), comments.getContents());
if (comments.getCreatedTime() != null)
mapping.put(COLUMNS.CREATED_TIME.getColumnName(), new Timestamp (comments.getCreatedTime().getTime()));
mapping.put(COLUMNS.FAVOURITE_COUNT.getColumnName(), comments.getFavouriteCount());
return mapping;
Repository Class: The repository dao class extending the JdbcRepository
public class CommentsRepository extends JdbcRepository<Comments, Integer>
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (CommentsRepository.class);
public CommentsRepository()
super (CommentsDB.ROW_MAPPER, CommentsDB.ROW_UNMAPPER, CommentsDB.getTableName ());
public CommentsRepository(RowMapper<Comments> rowMapper, RowUnmapper<Comments> rowUnmapper, String idColumn)
super (CommentsDB.ROW_MAPPER, CommentsDB.ROW_UNMAPPER, CommentsDB.getTableName (), idColumn);
protected Comments postCreate(Comments entity, Number generatedId)
return entity;
public List<Comments> getCommentsByUserName (Long userName)
String sql = "select * from " + CommentsDB.getTableName() + " where " + CommentsDB.COLUMNS.USER_NAME.getColumnName() + " = ? ";
return this.getJdbcOperations ().query (sql, new Object[] { userName }, CommentsDB.ROW_MAPPER);
The generated code is not the end, these classes can be modified to add custom logic and code which is preserved when the generator regenerates the code. Any code placed in the following tags is copied over to the new file when the code is regenerated.
/* START Do not remove/edit this line. CodeGenerator will preserve any code between start and end tags.*/
/* END Do not remove/edit this line. CodeGenerator will preserve any code between start and end tags.*/
If generate.jsr303.annotations=true
then the POJO created will have the JSR-303 annotations as shown in the sample below.
public class Comments implements Persistable<Integer>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@NotNull (groups = { Default.class })
@Null (groups = { Default.class })
private Integer id;
@Size (max = 256)
private String userName;
@Size (max = 1000)
private String contents;
private Date createdTime;
private Integer favouriteCount;
private transient boolean persisted;
private Users users;
public Comments ()
The following properties created in a file named, is required to generate the code. This should be available in the classpath so typically stored in src/main/resources folder.
# Enable code generation. If false nothing will happen even if CodeGenerator.generate() is called
# Folder path where the code will be generated
# Package Name of the class and interfaces
# Generated domain class and interfaces will be created with the following package name and folder structure
Domain classes can be generated with JSR-303 validation annotations. Validations are based on the column size, type, constraints.
# Generate jsr-303 validation annotations
# Repository package name
# Generated Repository helper class and interfaces will be created with the following package name and folder structure
Ignore a list of tables and columns. code will not be generated for these lists.
# following tables will be ignored during code generation, comma separated table names or patterns e.g qrtz* or *queue
# following columns will be ignored during code generation
Parent-Child relationship objects can be created in the domain classes.
# Parent - Child relations. create child objects in parent object based on the relationship
# relationship has to be in this format: ParentTableName:ChildTableName:OneToMany multiple sets should be comma separated
# this creates the structure as follows:
# ParentDomainClass: Field List<ChildDomainClass> children will be created in parent domain class to represent the relationship.
# Repository class: A method to get the list of child rows by parent id will be created in the Child Repository class.
# Db class: Alias Mapper in the Parent Db class will call the above method to set the list of child objects.
# Valid relations are OneToOne, OneToMany
Database configuration:
# Postgres
Use the Maven plugin which generates the code before the compile phase. That way the generated code and your existing code with the dependencies will be compiled correctly.
Note: This project is not yet deployed to any central maven repository so you need to install it locally, as follows:
$ git clone git://
$ cd spring-data-jdbc-codegen
$ mvn javadoc:jar source:jar install
1.1 Add the following maven dependency to your pom.xml.
2.1 Download and Copy the sample properties file to src/main/resources in your project.
2.2 Edit the database configuration with the correct information.
3.1 Go to Spring Data JDBC Code Generator Maven Plugin, and follow the instructions to install the maven plugin.
4.1 mvn clean install
Generated code should be in the directory (src.folder.path) specified in the properties file.
This project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.