This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. It uses the Star Wars API( Swapi ) to render data from the Star Wars movie series. Users can select to see Star Wars data on People, Planets, and Vehicles. Users can 'favorite' cards to view later.
- Learn how to wireframe and know why it is important.
- Write squeaky clean, well refactored code using ES6 & ES7 syntax.
- Make informed design decisions to create a user-friendly application.
- Keep state based components to a minimum and leverage more functional components.
- Use a modular architecture for your application file structure.
- Think deeply about React Lifecycle Methods.
- Understand and utilize React Router to effectively display data.
- Use propTypes for every component receiving props.
Following the guidelines of Test-Driven-Development(TDD) is always challenging for new devs as it can be difficult to invision what functionality needs to be built and how it will work until after it has been developed. However, that does not lessen the importance of TDD.
Fetching the data from the API and displaying it for the user was a success as prior to this project developers had not worked with (nested) fetch calls.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
- Create React App (React)
- React Router
- Proptypes
- ES6
- Github
- Slack
Not every component is unit tested. Nor are the nested fetch calls fetching. Both of these issues could be improved in future iterations.