This is a two player game based on the TV show ‘Family Feud’. Each game has three rounds, each of which includes a survey question and the top three survey responses. The two players take turns guessing the answers until they are all correct, and points are accumulated based on the popularity of each response. The third round changes the gameplay to Lightning Round, which allots a player unlimited guesses for one survey question for up to 30 seconds and awards double the points. Each player receives their own Lightning Round before the game ends and a winner is declared.
This project and its specs are part of the front end engineering curriculum at Turing School of Software and Design. The learning goals for this exercise were to work with ES6 classes, manipulating datasets, Webpack and testing with Mocha and Chai.
Our biggest challenge with this project was designing tests with Mocha and Chai in a true TDD (test driven development) fashion.
Our biggest success was working as a team, being okay with failure, taking our time to plan and strategically work through each issue as it arose. Additionally, trying out new features such as the progress bar (above and beyond the comp) was a fun experience.
If you'd like to play the game, clone this repository down to your computer and run the following command in your terminal:
git clone
Then run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
To start the app, run the following command in your terminal:
npm start
Then go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to play!
- ES6 classes
- JS
- jQuery
- Manipulating APIs
- Testing with Mocha & Chai
- Webpack
- ESLint
View the full project specification (user stories & other requirements) at
- Write a program from scratch
- Design and implement OOP patterns
- Understand and implement ES6 classes
- Implement array iterator and mutator methods to work with game data
- Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responibility Principle)
- Create a robust test suite that thoroughly tests all functionality of a client-side application
<img src= width="400">
<img src= width="400">
- Webpage is not responsive
- UI needs to be change so user input field and buttons are in the same view field as the questions
- Question board needs to be reset upon change of round
- Lightning round needs a 30 second timer for each player
- Needs to end game after four rounds and declare a winner
- Katherine Lewis @kalex19
- Hannah Hyde @alizarincrimson
Turing School of Software (for providing the project specifications).